JESUS IS LORD... period!
WOW! What a day? What a night? What an experience the last 24 hours, plus have been. I got out of bed around 3:15am on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008. I, like many of you was too excited to sleep. Living in Arizona and realizing that CNN begins it's coverage around 4:00am our time, I went to the living room to get the earliest possible glimpse of the morning's news with respect to this historic Presidential Election and showdown between Senator Barak Obama and Senator John McCain.
Very early on the first return came in from little Dixville, New Hampshire with Barak Obama winning 15 to 6. I was immediately hopeful and excited to hear that news and wanted the rest of the votes to come in just as quickly and with similar results. Of course, you know, that didn't happen.
Angela and I both voted early. Angela by mail and me in person by going to the Courthouse in Mesa Arizona the week prior. I realized that most Americans would be voting the day of the Election. However, considering where I live, the schedule my family maintains, my doubts about integrity with respect to electronic and mail in ballots, etc., I opted to go to the Courthouse early and vote. It only took me 25 minutes or so in line to complete the process.
Now, since I'd already voted, I wanted the election to be over so that I (and the rest of the country), could know the results immediately. Like so many others, I prayed not only that Barak Obama would win, but that he would win decisively. And y'all know the rest... he won!!!
But how we won and where I and my family were- when he won was most significant for me. I did not expect the night to unfold the way it did in terms of where I was and who I was with, but The LORD really blessed the Fort family last night. Here's what happened.
I was blessed to preach at the Paradise Missionary Baptist State Convention of Arizona last night. The Annual Session was held at the great First Institutional Baptist Church, Dr. Warren H. Stewart Sr., Pastor (and the newly appointed President of PMBSC of AZ). Service was scheduled to be from 7:00pm until 9:00pm. However, we started a little late and I was done preaching by 8:30pm.
Dr. Stewart and FIBC already had a "Poll Party" going on in the gymnasium, just across the parking lot from the Sanctuary. That said, as soon as service was over, we all headed over to the Poll Party to watch the returns. Wouldn't you know it- just minutes (maybe even seconds) after arriving at the gymnasium CNN (which was being displayed live on the big screen in the gymnasium); flashed the news across the screen declaring Barak Obama President Elect of the United States of America!!!
Immediately Praise, Prayer, Dancing, Shouting, Solemnity and such... all broke out simultaneously. You had to be there (or be part of the Black Church); to know what I'm talking about!
And there I was, with my wife Angela, my daughters Kiara and Kennedi, members of the Canaan Choir, Usher Board and CMBC family at large; along with members of FIBC and the PMBSC of AZ., and some very close and personal preaching friends inculding Dr. Warren Stewart, his wife, Rev. Karen Curry-Stewart, Dr. David Wade, Pastor Milton Pleasant, Pastor James Harris, Pastor Clayton, Pastor Amos Lewis, Pastor Arthur Lee and many, many others... celebrating this historic and dare I say very possibly holy event!
After several minutes of celebration. The sound on the screen was muted, Dr. Stewart took the microphone, instructed us to hold hands and then led us in a powerful prayer. He began his prayer with the words from the Black National Anthem... he closed the prayer thanking our GOD for His Son, JESUS CHRIST and declaring HIM... the prayer was powerful. Dr. Stewart then led us in singing: "WE HAVE OVERCOME". Again it was powerful.
After that, the music came back up, we watched as Senator John McCain gave I what I believe was a sincere and solemn concession speech. We watched footage from around the world, inter-mixed with footage of the large crowd at Grant Park in Chicago Illinois, where President Elect Barak Obama was scheduled to appear and give his acceptance speech. We watched footage of Kenyan's celebrating Barak Obama's victory in Africa, we watched as people like Roland Martin, Donna Brazille and Jesse Jackson cried tears that no doubt reflected their own joy, relief and pride.
Then, finally, after several minutes Barak Obama appeared on the stage at Grant Park, together with his wife beautiful and brilliant wife Michelle and their two beautiful daughters, Sasha and Malia. The crowd at Grant Park went wild, we went wild in the gymnasium at FIBC. After the normal waving to the audience and then kissing his daughters and wife, President Elect Barak Hussein Obama took center stage and gave one of the most eloquent, clear, inspiring, and humbling speeches I've ever heard.
I must admit, I expected him to be a little emotional, but he was in control. He was Presidential. He was together.
Shortly after his speech, those of us who remained in the Poll Party, in the gymnasium of FIBC began to bid one another good night, with the biggest smiles on our faces- and amazement in our minds. We all agreed that we coudln't wrap our minds around what just happened. We all agreed that we need to be in constant prayer for our new President, all of our leaders and our world at large.
After I got home, (Angela and I drove separate cars); our family gathered in the living room, had a brief conversation, with Angela and I talking to our girls about the significance of what just happened, how they felt, etc.
Then we prayed.
I stayed up a little while longer. Ate something and watched some more television. When I went to bed Angela and I watched television some more, talked some more and fell asleep somewhere close to 1:00am
Well, it's 9:07am here in AZ now. My girls are both still in the bed. They're both "knocked out". We're letting them stay home from school today. I have Bible Study at 12:00pm today. I'm debating what to do. I'm sure I'm not going with our current series. Maybel I'll drop the screen at Canaan and we'll fellowship and talk for the hour???
I wish my Mom and Dad were still alive to witness what happened last night. I talked with my friend Dr. Emil Thomas and Pastor Milton Pleasant on the drive home last night. I called my Aunt (my Mom's last living sister) last night. I called two of my sisters (Melinda and Candice); this morning and look forward to talking with the rest of my family today... those I can get in touch with.
I realize my thoughts, grammar and punctuation may not be what it should be in this post. But please charge it to my being a little tired, a lot excited and really blessed to have seen this day.
Pray for me. Pray for our President (Wow! That sounds nice). Pray for our country and world. Pray for the Canana Church. Pray for one another.
I'll be praying for you.
And remember, Barak is our new President for a term... maybe two. But JESUS CHRIST IS OUR GOD FOR ETERNITY!!! All hail the power of JESUS' name, let angels prostrate fall, bring forth the royal diadem and crown HIM LORD of all!
Sherman J. Fort