Resurrection Sunday 2010 is but three Sunday's away.
This is the day, this is the event that sets the Christian faith apart from all others. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hallmark event of the Christian faith. It is because of the literal, real, proven, resurrection of Jesus Christ that we know Jesus Christ IS The only begotten Son of God!
There are many theories that skeptics of Christianity offer on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some say that Jesus "swooned". That is to say He simply blacked out from the beatings and loss of blood that He endured. And that He later was roused back to conciousness, once His body came in contact with the cold stone in the tomb.
Still other skeptics argue that the body of Jesus Christ was stolen by His disciples. They make the argument that somehow this team of disciples, who were most likely weary in faith and worn out physically, somehow over-powered Roman soldiers who were standing guard at the tomb of Jesus Christ, then stole His body and hid it away. These same skeptics go on to say that the disciples of Jesus Christ then went on to make up the story of His resurrection.
Here's what really happened. Jesus Christ was crucified. He died. He was buried. He got up on third day with all power in His hands. He is "the only begotten Son of God". He is who He claimed to be, ... The Holy One of Israel. He is God in the flesh! He is our Savior, LORD, Redeemer and Friend. And because He lives we live.
As Resurrection Sunday approaches let's remember the sacrifice of our Savior. Let's remember His love for us was demonstrated at the cross. Let's remember that God The Father, gave us His only Son that we might live. Let's remember that we have The Holy Spirit as our Godly guarantee ... Jesus promised to "be with us always" ... He is with us in and through the power of The Holy Spirit.
God is better than good. All hail the power of Jesus' name. Let angels prostrate fall, bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him LORD of all!
Sherman J. Fort