Since the last time the Canaan Missionary Baptist church website was updated- and the button connecting the website to this bog was not included- I have not written any blogs.
It's been a while and much has taken place.
In addition to personal growth and development The LORD Jesus Christ has blessed me with opportunities to declare His Word at a variety of places to include Pastor Appreciation service, church anniversary celebrations and even an opportunity to preach in Nottinghamshire England while attending the Proclaimers Place Oxford 2011 conference with the inimitable Dr. Joel C. Gregory.
As I write this blog I am at the Holiday Inn Express in Sierra Vista Arizona with my wife Angela and our youngest daughter Kennedi. We're here in celebration of the pastor and wife appreciation weekend honoring Rev. Shawn L. Buckhanan and his wife Roslyn. Angela has been asked to speak this evening and I've been asked to speak tomorrow. The weekend will close out with the one and only Rev. D. Previn Carr, pastor of Ekklesia Christian Church in north Phoenix preaching on Sunday.
Thank you LORD for your lovingkindness and tender mercies toward all of us.
Pray for me. I'm praying with and for you.
safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort