This blog provides an outlet for me in my quest to KNOW CHRIST AND MAKE HIM KNOWN! Philippians 3:10
Monday, October 29, 2012
The LORD is Better Than Good!!!
It's been a little while since my last post. The primary reason has been my being busy with a number of things, not the least of which being The Fall Leadership Conference 2012 hosted by Sis. Fort and I.
I want to give glory to God and thanks to His children- those persons who volunteered their time to help us with setting up, breaking down and everything in between.
I also want to thank our God for brothers and sisters who served as facilitators and praise and worship leaders and audio/visual persons during the conference. Those persons include: Min. Charlotte D. Hillman (and crew); Dr. Ephraim Williams, Bro. Lamont Harris, Pastor Welton Pleasant II, Dr. Fredrick L. Fairley Sr., Dr. Juan M. Brown Sr., Mrs. Belinda Miller, Min. Kevin Swindle, Bro. Arzal Smith and Mr. Christopher Shelton.
The Fall Leadership Conference 2012 is something my wife and I planned in just a few weeks time. We prepared for 75 attendee's. We prepared 85 packets. I am told we ran out of packets, being short just a little bit.
Now, let me thank the pastor's and church members from various churches- including Canaan Missionary Baptist Church who attended the conference.
I believe people were helped, encouraged and made better.
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 24, 2013 through Saturday, October 26, 2013 as the dates for The Church Development Conference 2013. We hope and pray our GOD will use us for His glory in an even bigger and better way next year.
Pastor Fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST
Saturday, October 13, 2012
I admit it. I have been too busy lately. As I think about it perhaps "busy" is not the word. While I have no doubt- been busy I have also been disorganized. That is to say I have not exercised the necessary discipline to be at my best for The LORD, myself, my family and others.
This morning my wife woke me up and informed me that we were supposed to be in Washington D.C. this weekend. We should've arrived last night. She knew this, because of a facebook message from the host pastor who was trying to reach me via text but was unsuccessful. He was unsuccessful reaching me via text last night because I was attending a one year anniversary banquet for one of my "son's" in the ministry ... and I failed to respond to the text.
I was so embarrassed and ashamed. In concert with my being "too busy" and undisciplined I mistakenly thought we were supposed to be in Washington D.C. the second Sunday in November ... NOT the second Sunday in October. I immediately got up, called the host pastor, apologized profusely, told him to give me five minutes and I would change my reservation and be in D.C. this afternoon. Initially he said "okay". Two minutes later I was sitting at the computer logging on to change my ticket and the pastor called me back. He shared that the Sunday I booked my airline ticket for is their Church Anniversary and that instead of my changing my tickets, etc. and coming to preaching for the Men's Day- tomorrow; he would have me serve as the guest preacher for their Church Anniversary. Still I offered to pay for one night of the room as we was supposed to arrive last night and hotels require a 24 cancellation notice in order to not incur at least a one night fee. The pastor was sooooo gracious and told me not to worry about the mix up and not to worry about paying for one night of the room. Still I intend to pay for one night anyway.
Here's my point, though our God's grace is sufficient and even though our God grants us His mercy and love ... there is still no excuse for MY mistake. It's something I messed up with due to my own lack of focus and being, according to some- "too busy".
Brother Pastors, preachers, minister's- let me encourage all of us to FOCUS! I think of the Apostle Paul's writing in Philippians 3:13a where he says: "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but ONE THING I DO,".
It is clear that the Apostle is FOCUSED on ONE THING!
Going forward, I invite all of you pastors, preachers, ministers and laypersons who will to join me in making a fresh effort to FOCUS on the most important thing! This will no doubt mean for me that I will turn my cellular phone off at times or hand it to one of the ladies in the office when I'm working at the church so that I can focus on what I am doing at the moment. This means that I will not be distracted by an email in my inbox when I have gone into my email to do a specific thing that is unrelated to this "new" message. Etc., etc., etc.
Please pray for me. I am praying with and for you.
Sherman J. Fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Some Week-End Thank You's!
To Pastor Hutching's and the Trinity Church of God In Christ church fmily-
Thank you for the invitation to come and preach at your church Sunday past. I was encouraged and blessed by your kindness and by the music ministry in-particular. What a joy to see young men serving in the church that way.
It is my prayer that message was Christ-centered, Bible-based, practical, personal and helpful.
sherman j. fort
Friday, October 5, 2012
“Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6 NKJV
A friend called me two days ago and shared news that one of the preachers whose preaching I most admire was taken to the hospital this past Sunday from his church. My friend went on to say that according to his understanding just after mounting the pulpit to preach, the Reverend Ralph Douglas West said simply "I don't feel well".
Shortly thereafter medical personnel arrived and escorted Dr. West to the hospital. When I heard the news, I stopped, got on my knees and prayed for Dr. West, his wife, children, and church family. Reportedly he is fine and all is well. But this incident reminds me that we should all first and foremost know The LORD in the pardon of our sins. That is to say we need to be in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. Second, it reminds me that we need to be better stewards of our temple (that is our body). Third, as a son, husband, father, preacher and pastor it reminds me that I need to consistently ask myself if my priorities are right in terms of how I am living and that I need to remember to get proper rest.
This year I have already done more home-going services than any other year in my pastorate- and the month of October has just begun. I should also point out that I'm close to doing more weddings in one year than I've ever done before as well. I have prayed for each family who experienced death this year and whose home-going celebration I knew about and was blessed to share in.
In a nutshell here is what I am saying: "Seek The LORD while He may be found, call upon HIm while He is near". -Isaiah 55:6.
The inimitable Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr. says: "If you've got a bell to ring- ring it now. If you've got a song to sing- sing it now. If you've got a sermon to preach- preach it now"!
Hallelujah. Please pray with and for me, I am praying with and for you!
Sherman J. Fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Are you a Christian, preacher, senior pastor, deacon, deaconess, ministry leader, church finance person who would enjoy a Christ-centered, Bible based church conference?
If so, consider attending The Fall Leadership Conference hosted by H.O.P.E. Ministries and held at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 8:00AM until 1:00PM.
The subjects addressed at the conference include:
a. Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing.
b. Going from Vision to Provision.
c. Biblical Preaching/Preaching That Is Both Righteous And Relevant.
d. The ministry of the Church Administrator and Church Administration.
5. Church Financial Management 101
For further questions call Sis. Angela M. Fort at: 480.227.9279.
Sherman J. Fort
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