It's 5:54am. I've been up since about 3:30am.
I have several things planned for today. I hope The LORD allows me to do what is needful and necessary. Among the things I hope to accomplish today are the normal weekday morning responsibilities of taking my child(ren) to school; then a meeting with one of the trustees from Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, where I am blessed to serve as Pastor; getting my haircut; complete some banking, and continue sermon preparation.
Before and after watching a signigicant portion of the Vice Presidential Debate last night, I spent some time considering the sermon for this Sunday at CMBC. Two Sundays ago I began a new Sermon Series on the life of Abraham. I've decided to title the series: Learning To Walk By Faith. It occurs to me that during these difficult days of fumblings and failures with respect to the price of gasoline, groceries and the collapse of financial institutions in our country and around the world, we need to focus now, as much as ever before on our faith in The LORD JESUS CHRIST!
At Canaan like many other Churches, we have seen a decline in our regular weekly giving and there are those who believe I should focus my preaching on the matter of financial stewardship and the believer. However, it's my conviction that a Christian who really loves The LORD will have no problem giving themselves first- to GOD with everything else following suit... including their money. Thus, the real need we have is to build our faith! And what better example for learning to walk by faith, than Abraham?
I am beginning to feel the extent of some of my commitments. Currently I teach three Bible Studies a week (including one at a Sister Church in Coolide, AZ., who is currently without a Pastor); and have commitments with Convnetions in Arizona as well. And, although my schedule is busy, and I do find myself a little spent at times, I also experience a strange empowering as I go about doing what I do... especially when it comes to preaching and teaching The WORD of GOD. For this I am grateful to The LORD.
I received a very timely blessing in the mail late yesterday. It was a love offering sent to me by one of my dear friends, for whom I had the privilege of preaching and teaching just two weeks ago. He, first of all was gracious in inviting to come and share alongside the other guest Minister, the very popular and gifted Rev./Dr. Major Jemison. Second, he was even more gracious when I shared that one of our former Minister's (a brother now Pastoring a Church in the Phoenix Metro area); lost his mother unexpectedly- and I felt a strong desire to be present at the funeral. In sharing this with my host, I also indicated a need to leave early from this commitment in order to prepare for my trip to the funeral in Los Angeles, CA. He and his people had no problem with my desire. After leaving there I went on to Los Angeles. The funeral was BEAUTIFUL INDEED! And, late last night I received a check in the mail from this host. He was generous too! To GOD be the glory!!
It's a great day to be alive. I'm looking forward to living out this day and prayerfully spending some time with some special people. Including a very dear Pastor friend or two.
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