I was honored just a few weeks ago by Rev. Ottley Holmes and the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. Pastor Holmes and his church family invited me to be the guest speaker at one of the Pastor Appreciation Service's this year.
The afternoon celebration took place a few Sunday afternoon's ago. Several guest churches were invited and shared in song. A number of preachers and pastors were present as well. Including at least two associate ministers from Canaan Missionary Baptist Church.
I attempted to preach a sermon titled: How To Treat The Pastor. The text was First Timothy 5:17 & 18. Again, I wanted to be short, considering it was an afternoon program and one with several guests no less. Also, once again, I'm making an attempt to deal with smaller sections of Scripture in my hope to be more thorough.
I'm thankful for The Lord blessing me in spite of myself. I still need to work on my "close". I have a personal conviction about always closing every message with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's not what I'm talking about here however, now I'm just talking about style and flavor in closing. Any way, that's not what I wanted to write about.
I really wanted to say that I'm grateful to Pastor Ottley Holmes for the invitation and I'm encouraged when I see churches encouraging their Pastor with words and gifts of thanksgiving and appreciation for a job well done. Indeed, the pastor who "rules well"; especially those who "labor in preaching and teaching" are worthy of "double honor".
While I haven't heard Pastor Holmes preach every Sunday morning, I'm convinced he's a solid Bible preacher. In fact, he hosts a weekly radio show on one of our local AM stations here in the valley of the sun. I'd encourage you to check him out when you have the chance. I listened to part of a broadcast recently, he was teaching from the book of Acts.
If you're interested you can check him out online. Their church website address is: www.smbcmesa.org
May our God continue to bless us with preachers and pastors who preach The gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the opportunity to preach The Word at Shiloh M.B.C. pastor Holmes.
Preaching The gospel of Jesus Christ is not just a privilege, it is a responsibility. Thank you Jesus. Please make me the preacher You want me to be.
Pastor Fort
1 comment:
Uncle.. I'm so happy I found your blog. I will be checking in regularly.
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