I've just returned (early I might add) from the E. K. Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference in Dallas Texas.
The conference was held at the Fairmont hotel in downtown Dallas. It was well attended and a real blessing to me. The teaching and preaching were wonderful. While I suspect that there was a good deal of consistency with respect to the quality of information shared in each class, I can offer personal testimony from the class I took with Dr. Ralph D West. I believe this is my third time sitting a class taught by Dr. West. Each time, this time especially the class was helpful.
On this ocassion Dr. West taught a class that dealt with planning for "series preaching". Among other things Dr. West shared some insight with respect to his personal sermon/series preaching preparation method. He listed some of the pros and cons with respect to planned preaching. He ended the class by answering questions from the ministers in the class. It was a real blessing.
Dr. West and Dr Joel C. Gregory are two Gospel preachers I am listening to quite a bit right now. Their preaching is encouraging, inspiring and most of all Biblical. I thank our God for these two great preachers.
The E. K. Bailey Conference also afforded me my first opportunity to hear Rev. Craig Oliver, pastor of the Elizabeth Baptist Church in Georgia. Wow! What a preacher. I was blessed by his message. Dr. Duduit opened the conference with the first evening lecture. What a presentation. It was challenging and Christ centered.
I could go on and on about each speaker. I truly enjoyed the conference. I hope to attend again next year. I encouraged the associate ministers at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church where I serve to go. None did this year. Let me encourage all gospel preachers who desire to gather in one place with other Gospel preachers to prayerfully consider attending this conference. It's a great place to hear a number of really good preachers, attend great classes and get involved in good fellowship.
Moreover, your wife can attend as well, as Dr. Sheila Bailey (the widow of Dr. E. K. Bailey) hosts the S.T.A.N.D. Conference at the same time and location as the preaching conference. So brothers whhile you're attending the one piece, your bride can be in attendance at the other piece.
S. J. Fort
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