To God be the glory for the things He has done, is doing and shall yet perform.
I first heard the gifted preacher (yes I said preacher); and teacher, Deacon Harold L. Simmons while participating in a Conference hosted by the Laymen's Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. a few years ago.
I was so moved by the fact that Deacon Simmons responded to questions thrown at him during a class he taught (I sat in the class); with answers from The Bible that I was committed then to ask him to come and share with the men of CMBC.
Some time later I heard Deacon Simmons (who serves as President of the Laymen's auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc.) share from The Word of God again.
I asked him to come and share with the men of CMBC during what I termed "The V Conference" (Men of Vision, Valor and Victory).
He came and shared with us this past weekend. He provided leadership to our Rap Session on Friday, our Conference on Saturday and preached The Word of God twice on Sunday.
WOW! WHAT A PREACHER! (Yes ... I said preacher). He was Biblically, sound, encouraging, helpful, and he accurately handled "The Word of Truth".
Thank you Lord for this man of God.
safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST
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