This blog provides an outlet for me in my quest to KNOW CHRIST AND MAKE HIM KNOWN! Philippians 3:10
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
It is highly possible that I've received and accepted more invitations to teach, lecture, preach or just share this year than any other year of my ministry.
That said, I am moved once again by the notion that we gospel preachers need to do our best to be "fresh" in our preaching. Now by fresh I do not mean that we are coming up with some "new thing" or some new doctrine, or some new way to communicate the gospel.
Rather, what I mean is that we need to do the best we can to not re-preach "can" sermons, old sermons, re-heatable sermons that we first preached a decade ago. We need to be careful to be "work"men, rightly dividing The Word of truth. We need to be sure that we are consistently reading The Word of God and studying The Word of God; and preparing new sermons as The LORD gives us direction.
Believe it or not the mature believer can tell the difference between a T.V. dinner sermon and a home cooked sermon. They know the difference between a microwave pizza and one made fresh from scratch- in your own kitchen.
Too often we get busy with things that matter, but not "the" thing that matters most. Namely, The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. It's good to visit the sick, clothe the naked, pray with those who are sick and shut-in, but it's better to make the main thing the preaching of The gospel of JESUS CHRIST. After all, that's what The LORD called us as pastors to do primarily- Preach, teach, pray and cast vision.
It could be that some members of our churches are not growing because they are not receiving full course meals on Sunday morning. Dr. Manuel L. Scott Sr. said: "Sermonettes make Christian-ettes". We need to ask ourselves what kind of preaching are we doing?
And then, whatever kind of preaching we are doing we need to commit to doing it better ... and better ... and better!
S. J. Fort, preacher of The Gospel
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