JESUS said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me".
It's been a while since I've written anything on my blog. In fact, it's been so long that I forgot my password and had to log on to "blogspot" and apply for a new password. Needless to say I received it and I'm writing now.
Since my last blog so much has happened. In the last several days we've watched and witnessed things in our world that have many people on edge. There's the arrest and subsequent sentencing of Lee and Ling in North Korea. There's the bombing and what I call "fist pumping" of North Korea to the rest of the world and the "west" in particular. There's the shameful and sinful behavior connected to the so called "election" by the people of the same old leader in Iraq- followed by the beating and bludgeoning of Iraqi citizens who were bold enough to step up and speak out in protest of this scam.
Most recently we've heard of the death of hollywood personalities, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays; NFL quarterback and 3 time Pro-Bowler, Mr. Steve McNair; and of course the death of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
In Scripture we learn that GOD loves us "ALL THE SAME". However, in this life, if you're Michael Jackson the news and fanfare surrounding your death can ECLIPSE the news surrounding the deaths of other famous people.
Have you asked The LORD like have: "LORD, what are you saying to your people?" "LORD, what lesson(s) do you want your people to learn from all of this?"
I believe that one of the things our GOD would remind all of us of during these days of turmoil, testing and trial is that Triumph only comes through HIM!
I'm writing this on "Independence Day"... July 4th, 2009. But I want to emphasize to all of us who are Christians, followers of The CHRIST, that our independence did not take place when President Abraham Lincoln put pen to paper. It did not take place when Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered on a motel balcony. Equality was not won when Rev. Jesse L. Jackson ran for president of the United States, or when Mr. Barack H. Obama won the position of President of the United States just a few short months ago.
No! Our emancipation, crazy as it sounds is connected to our heart's incarceration by The HOLY SPIRIT when we accepted JESUS CHRIST as our personal LORD and Savior. Our Independence Day is really a day of IN-DEPENDENCE- that is to say we as individuals, towns, cities, states, nations and even the world can accomplish nothing until we bow our knees to The KING OF Kings and LORD OF lords... JESUS CHRIST.
We must recognize our INNER-DEPENDENCE on Him for anything and everything we need, anything and everything we are... each and every second of each and every day.
Real freedom is found in "leaning and DEPENDING" on JESUS CHRIST.
All hail the power of JESUS' name! Let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem and crown HIM! CROWN HIM! CROWN HIM ... LORD OF ALL!
"I came to JESUS just as I was, weary, worn and sad- I found IN HIM a resting place and He has made me glad!
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
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