HOPE Ministries is scheduled to host a wonderful event we're calling the 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT, October 22nd through October 24th of this year.
I realize that if you're a pastor who has provided your name or that of your church to the U.S. Post Office, the world wide web, or any number of like services- you receive information on countless conferences on a regular basis.
It is instead a special time for Growing, Learning and Sharing specifically designed for Senior Pastors. And here's the crazy part... THERE WILL BE NO PREACHING! NO LECTURING! Not even a lecturn, so none of those in attendance will feel the urge to preach.
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT is something I've desired to do for some time in an effort to have some real conversation with other pastors.
It is a time when we can come together and be revived, refreshed, renewed and yes just relax with other like-minded pastors who take ministry seriously. A time to meet with other Christian men who recognize the fact that they need to "get away".
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT will take place at the beautiful Wildhorse Pass Resort in south Chandler Arizona. I'm encouraging EVERY pastor, that GOD gives clearance to- to come. It is an ALL-INCLUSIVE Summit. Meaning that once you pay the $709.00; your room, meals and packet are all included!
While my hope is that all pastors in attendance will get a room at the Resort, for those pastors who live in Arizona and don't wish to stay at the Resort, they can register for the SUMMIT ONLY. The cost for this is only $189.00 per person and includes all meals.
Now, if you just balked at that price then you haven't really looked at or attended any pastor or preaching conference lately. There are notable preaching and pastors conferences in Texas, California, Tennessee, etc. who have a registration fee alone that exceed $300.00. THERE REGISTRATION FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE YOUR ROOM OR YOUR MEALS!
The idea for this kind of setting came to me some time ago. Then was modeled for me by my Pastor and friend Dr. Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Redwood City California. While serving as President of the California State Baptist Convention Pastor Campbell hosted a Pastor's Summit and it was wonderful.
I'm praying that we will have a small group of Pastors who will come and share together. In truth, I don't want a very large group of Pastors, as one of the things I'm hoping to have is a sense of intimacy that only comes with small groups.
In addition to Pastor Fred Campbell our other guest facilitator/conversation leader will be the inimitable Dr. Charles E. Booth, of Columbus Ohio.
For more information on the 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT check out the HOPE Ministries website at: www.hopeministriesaz.org
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
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