TODAY is the first day of 2010. I'm not making any "new year resolutions" this year. I am however re-committing to "fighting the good fight of faith"... today, then tomorrow, then the day after that and the day after that, etc.
Today is also the first day of a 31 day period of fasting and prayer for the Canaan Missionary Baptist Church. We're fasting and praying for Spiritual and physical health. We're asking every member of our church family that can and will to commit to no less than thirty minutes of prayer a day with a certain focus. Our prayer time will focus on our commitment to our new ministry theme for 2010 and beyond.
The theme is: "One Voice, One Vision, One Victory". By One Voice, I mean our hearing God's voice; by One Vision, I mean our heeding God's vision; by One Victory, I mean our commitment to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ. In addition to praying and asking The LORD to help us embrace His voice, vision and victory, we are also praying that we will become more "simple and dynamic" in 2010 and beyond. We're embracing this idea of "Simple Church". It's an attempt to not complicate what The LORD has not complicated. To keep our Christian lives and the way we "do" church simple and dynamic.
I've also asked our church family to pray for "families". There are so many children, youth, single adults, couples... families in trouble. It's interesting to note that we have ministries specifically designed for children, youth, single's, couples, senior adults, etc., but we don't have a ministry specifically designed for families. We want to change that in 2010 and beyond. Moreover, we hope to make the family the primary place for discipleship. More on that later.
In my attempt to keep this morning's blog short, let me say that it is my goal to blog about my journey with respect to my diet during these 31 days of January 2010 as our church comes together to fast and pray. I have asked those CMBC family members who can to eat a diet consisting of water, fruit, vegetables and fish. I've asked those who can't commit to that diet due to dietary or medical reasons, to please remove red meat and pork from their diets for the month of January 2010.
During the month of January 2010 we're also praying that The LORD will move in great ways during our church revival. Our revival begins as our period of fasting and prayer ends. That is to say, the last day of our fast and prayer time is Sunday, January 31, 2010. Sunday, January 31, 2010 is also the first day of our church revival.
Now then, whether you're a member of our church family or not, you're welcome to join us as we fast and pray for Spiritual and physical health in the month of January. And to those of us who may eat or drink the wrong thing one day, as you hustle and flow throughout your day- don't quit the fast and prayer time... Just start over. Hang in there. Let's see what The LORD will do in and through us.
Today's morning. So far this morning I've had a green apple and an orange. I'm in the process of cooking some black eyed peas right now. I intend to make some brown rice, and add some vegetables to that and eat it later. I hope to go walking soon. There's a group of people from our church who are scheduled to meet at the home of Bro. Daniel and Sis. Deborah Carter and go on a hike. I don't know that I'll make the hike, but I look forward to walking today nonetheless.
May our GOD continue to bless and keep each of you is my prayer.
Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort, Servant of JESUS CHRIST
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