During the month of January 2010, I have asked our church to fast and pray. Specifically seeking our LORD on behalf of our biological families, church family, our Christian family around the world and our human family of every race, creed and color. More specifically, I've asked our church to pray for the Spiritual and physical health and healing of the same.
But that's not all. During this same month of January I have set apart each Tuesday night for a special time in "Mid-Week" worship. Tuesday is our normal night for Bible study at CMBC. But instead, we've been spending each Tuesday night in worship. From 7:00PM until 8:10PM we've been in worship together.
During this mid-week worship time some of our very own Associate Ministers have been preaching The WORD of God. And may I say, I've been encouraged and helped by their preaching. Not only has our God blessed me to pastor a church with some good people, I've also been blessed to pastor a church with some really good Gospel preachers. So far this month, we've heard from Pastor Eddie Reese (a retired pastor and transplant to the 'valley of the sun' from the great state of Alabama); Min. Otis Williams, Min. Raymond Berry, Min. Marcus Blunt, Min. Kimberly Collison and Min. Kevin Swindle. They didn't just preach sermons at random either. I asked some of them to preach on a specific word in our motto, or on one portion of our ministry theme for 2010 and beyond. The LORD has blessed us with some terrific Tuesday's as they've declared The Word of God... from The Bible. Thank you preachers.
Not only has The LORD blessed us with great preaching on Tuesday nights, He has also blessed us with wonderful preaching on Sunday morning's. On the second Sunday of this month, I was blessed to preach out of state. In my place, that Sunday my friend and brother, Rev. Milton Pleasant, pastor of the Abundant Life Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ at our early service. And what a job The LORD blessed him to do. The saints at CMBC are still talking about the message he shared. Min. Raymond Cook, an associate minister at CMBC preached the late service at CMBC. Once again, I heard nothing but great things about that sermon as well.
Then, on the third Sunday of this month, the one and only Rev., D. Previn Carr, pastor and founder of Ekklesia Christian church in Phoenix, Arizona preached both services at CMBC. My, my, my, ... and preach he did. Pastor Carr walked through his selected preaching passages with with what seemed to be "ease"; after arresting our attention in his introduction with practical and pointed application. I was there on this Sunday and was blessed to see people come forward during the invitation at both services.
To God be the glory for the things He has done, is doing and shall yet perform. Thank you gospel preachers for preaching The Word of God.
Thank you Canaan family for being a church that appreciates the preaching of God's Word.
Most of all, THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH... for being my Savior, LORD, God and friend.
Pastor Fort
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