Too often- I think, the majority of Christians call the names of only the most popular preachers on the national scene when asked to provide a list of "great preachers".
Recently, I've had the privilege of hearing and hosting two great preachers right here in Arizona. Who are the two you ask? First, Reverend Arthur Lee Jr., pastor of the great Bethlehem Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona. Pastor Lee was our guest preacher at the 7:50AM service for our 3rd Annual Senior Saints Sunday at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona.
Wow! What a sermon... what a preacher! Pastor Lee has been a long-time preaching personality on the scene here in the 'valley of the sun'. He's served in various capacities with respect to the State Convention, community agencies and the like. But without question one of his greatest gifts is preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Lee took me to school as he preached a dynamic and clear gospel message centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ on the cross. His message was challenging, life changing and encouraging. And, watch this- he didn't take all day to do it.
I thank my God upon each remembrance of this wonderful pastor and his Christ-centered sermon.
For the same ocassion, on the same Sunday morning at our 10:20AM service, Rev. James N. Preston, pastor of the Bethesda Community Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ at CMBC.
Pastor Preston brought a phenomenal message that blessed our congregation in great ways. His preaching was practical, powerful and absolutely carefully crafted. He walked through the passage, breaking down key words and phrases, presenting The Gospel of Jesus Christ with clarity. Then, he closed. Pastor Preston closed the sermon in a great way.
The Lord blessed him to "hit on all cylinders".
These are just two examples of local preachers who presented a wonderful word to us. Men, who like me, may not make the list of the 50 greatest preachers ... according to Ebony Magazine or some other publication. But still great preachers in their own right.
During the Pastor Summit 2009, our chief facilitator, Dr. Fred Campbell, encouraged those pastor's in attendance, to seek the "Amen" of God; as opposed to the "Amen" of men. That said, when I come to the end of my days, (and, quite frankly while I'm walking in this world right now); I want to hear The LORD say "Amen" to what I'm doing... to what I'm preaching... to how I'm living!
I take nothing from the great preachers who have been recognized on the national and international scene, but let's not forget my brothers and sisters, there are preachers who've come and gone, that can out preach any one of us ... on any given Sunday. Some of them preached sermons in back alley's, never in a pulpit. Some of them preached sermons in small country towns, never on large stages or pulpits around America and the world. Most of them, we've never even heard of I'm sure. But believe this, when we get to heaven, there will be some people (some preacher's); walking around with rewards that astound us; while some other, well known, much applauded preacher's will be there too- but with minimal "hardware" if you will.
Let me be clear now, I believe we will all "cast down our crowns"- our rewards and accolades at the feet of Jesus Christ. The point I'm trying to make is be faithful in what you do for The LORD as a gospel preacher. And remember you're doing it for Him, through Him and by Him... so to God be the glory- ALL THE GLORY for the things He has done, is doing and shall yet perform.
Preach On!
Sherman J. Fort
This blog provides an outlet for me in my quest to KNOW CHRIST AND MAKE HIM KNOWN! Philippians 3:10
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
District Associations, State Conventions, National Conventions...
This week marks the 89th Annual Session of the Paradise Missionary Baptist State Convention of Arizona Incorporated.
Upon joining the convention I was asked to serve as President of the Minister's Conference. A job I took on with joy and enthusiasm. At this year's Annual Session, on the "Minister's Conference" night, I was blessed to preach just prior to Rev., Dr., Jerry Carter, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Morristown New Jersey.
My, my, my, what a preacher. He shared a poignant and powerful message that helped me personally. He titled it: "News From Another Network". One of the things he shared that my wife quoted to me today while riding in the car is the idea that hard work must accompany the gifts God has graced us with.
Friday of this week is "president's night". Our new president of the Paradise State Convention is Rev., Dr. Warren H. Stewart Sr., pastor, First Institutional Baptist Church, Phoenix Arizona. I expect he's going to preach a dynamic and daring message that will challenge the convention to change in a manner that calls for Christian courage.
In addition to being part of the PMBSC (and consequently the National Baptist Convention of America USA Incorporated); I also associate with the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention (part of the national Southern Baptist Convention). I've been impressed for some time by the emphasis they seem to place on evangelism, missions and discipleship.
No matter what convention you're a part of, ... or not a part of for that matter- make sure you're part of the family of God. You can join God's family by placing your faith in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
All conventions have their problems. And most of them have some really good points too. I look forward to the day when we will all gather under the banner of love... God's love. No more conventions, no more presidents, no more cabinets, no more denominations... just JESUS!
Pastor Fort
This week marks the 89th Annual Session of the Paradise Missionary Baptist State Convention of Arizona Incorporated.
Upon joining the convention I was asked to serve as President of the Minister's Conference. A job I took on with joy and enthusiasm. At this year's Annual Session, on the "Minister's Conference" night, I was blessed to preach just prior to Rev., Dr., Jerry Carter, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Morristown New Jersey.
My, my, my, what a preacher. He shared a poignant and powerful message that helped me personally. He titled it: "News From Another Network". One of the things he shared that my wife quoted to me today while riding in the car is the idea that hard work must accompany the gifts God has graced us with.
Friday of this week is "president's night". Our new president of the Paradise State Convention is Rev., Dr. Warren H. Stewart Sr., pastor, First Institutional Baptist Church, Phoenix Arizona. I expect he's going to preach a dynamic and daring message that will challenge the convention to change in a manner that calls for Christian courage.
In addition to being part of the PMBSC (and consequently the National Baptist Convention of America USA Incorporated); I also associate with the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention (part of the national Southern Baptist Convention). I've been impressed for some time by the emphasis they seem to place on evangelism, missions and discipleship.
No matter what convention you're a part of, ... or not a part of for that matter- make sure you're part of the family of God. You can join God's family by placing your faith in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
All conventions have their problems. And most of them have some really good points too. I look forward to the day when we will all gather under the banner of love... God's love. No more conventions, no more presidents, no more cabinets, no more denominations... just JESUS!
Pastor Fort
Saturday, October 24, 2009
First and foremost I want to thank God for His love, mercy and grace. I also want to thank my wife, the incomparable Mrs. Angela Monique Fort for her genuine (that's a big word); support and excitement with respect to the Pastor's Summit 2009. I also have to thank the steady and sweet Sis. Angela Garmon, (a member of CMBC and the person who worked diligently to bring this event to pass); for her kind, consistent and most of all Christian character in causing the Pastor's Summit to take place.
Now then, let me say that the Pastor's Summit was, in my estimation a life changing event. The goal of the "Summit" was to have a "safe place" where select senior pastors could come together and share their hearts with one another where the work of the pastoral ministry is concerned.
From the very beginning my goal was not a numerical one. I wanted no more than twelve pastors for the Summit with the thought that the smaller number would better lend itself to the intimacy, honesty and building of what I hope would be real relationship between brothers of like faith, mind and heart.
From the very beginning my hope was that a time of personal refreshing, revival and renewal would take place in the lives of those pastors in attendance. With the largest emphasis of that refreshing, revival and renewing being of a "Spiritual" nature.
From the time the vision for this Summit was birthed and I began to put feet to my faith (this happened in October 2008)- in terms of contacting the hotel, producing the initial flyers and beginning to share the word, via word of mouth about the event- to the time it all came to fruition much took place.
As a Christian pastor seeking to host this event, out of a need I see for this event to take place and with the approval and leading of our most High God, I wrestled early on with trying to attract senior pastor's with the lure of a nationally known pastor and/or preaching personality as our Summit facilitator. To this end, I initially contacted three men. one of them significantly better known than the other two with respect to being a national preaching personality. Those three men were the inimitable Dr. Charles E. Booth; the inimitable Pastor Harry R. Fort; and the inimitable Pastor Fred Campbell. From here I had flyers produced and mailed out, sharing news of this event; and had the event advertises via the HOPE Ministries website on the world wide web.
Within months of the Summit Pastor Harry R. Fort was no longer one of the facilitators. With weeks to go until the Summit, I decided to cancel the event out of personal frustration and a closer look at my financial obligation. Consequently I shared the news with my wife Angela and contacted Dr. Booth to share the same.
For whatever reason I delayed sharing that decision with Pastor Campbell.
With weeks to go until the Summit, I had a change of heart and was moved to move forward with the event- honestly knowing the entire time that the need for this event and the calling to do it, host it, have it ... was what is most important.
It's Saturday evening now. 6:26PM on October 24, 2009. And let me say this "To God be the glory for the things He has done"! The Summit by all indications was a success. And by "indications" I speak of the spiritual indicators that count most. By "success" I speak to the original goal of having a safe place where senior pastors could come and grow together.
The location of the Summit is the beautiful and secluded Sheraton Wildhorse Pass and Resort in south Chandler Arizona. The location was a very important decision since I wanted to have this event take place somewhere that was accessible yet gave a sense of being secluded... almost isolated. The location was important because I wanted some place that was "excellent" in terms of it being a quality, top shelf, first class- if you please hotel/resort. The Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa is all of those things and more.
The lone facilitator or conversation starter as I like to call it for the Summit was Reverend Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Redwood City California.
The senior pastors in attendance at the Summit were, Pastor Troy C. Allen, of Phoenix Arizona; Pastor/Dr. Johnny Baylor, of Carson California; Pastor Shawn Buckannon, of Sierra Vista Arizona; Pastor Michael Collier, of Mesa Arizona; Pastor Melvin Foard, of Queen Creek Arizona; Pastor Abram Moore, of Coolidge Arizona; Pastor Claudell Myles, of Phoenix Arizona; and Pastor Welton Pleasant, of Los Angeles California. Counting Pastor Campbell and myself there was a total of ten senior pastors.
Our time together was probing, powerful and precious. I believe that healing and genuine love was shared this weekend. From our initial dinner and session on Thursday, through our three meals and three sessions on Friday, and our breakfast and closing session this morning The Lord worked on us. We shared more than meals these last three days, we shared an experience that can never be repeated.
I've already begun mentioning and setting up meetings with Mr. Merold Porter, my sales representative at the Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa for next years Pastor's Summit. And unless The LORD says otherwise, we will have a glorious time with Jesus and one another.
To my brother pastors who attended this years Summit, let me say: Thank you for coming. Thank you for caring and thank you for committing your time, resources and most importantly yourselves to this weekend. To Pastor Fred Campbell, thank you for leading us as our facilitator for the weekend. We had no "agenda" so to speak, we simply asked The Lord to take control. To my other fellow pastors who said they were coming and did not. Or, who wanted to come and could not. Let me say that I've already begun working on The Pastor's Summit 2010. The weekend has already been determined. It is Thursday, October 21st through Saturday morning, October 23rd. The location has already been decided. It is the Sheraton Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa in south Chandler Arizona. And a numerical cap is being worked out now. With respect to the number of senior pastors in attendance I don't want to exceed 20. And, at this point I am thinking of stopping at 15.
That said, if you are a senior pastor who is interested in coming begin doing a few things: 1) Pray. Ask The LORD if the Pastor's Summit 2010 is for you. 2. Begin putting some financial resources away now to that end.
Then, once you've heard from The LORD, please contact me via the information provided on either the HOPE Ministries website (WWW.HOPEMINISTRIESAZ.ORG); or the Canaan Missionary Baptist Church website (WWW.MYCMBC.ORG); and let me know of your decision.
Now, may the love of God and sweet communion of The Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
Sherman J. Fort, Servant of JESUS CHRIST
First and foremost I want to thank God for His love, mercy and grace. I also want to thank my wife, the incomparable Mrs. Angela Monique Fort for her genuine (that's a big word); support and excitement with respect to the Pastor's Summit 2009. I also have to thank the steady and sweet Sis. Angela Garmon, (a member of CMBC and the person who worked diligently to bring this event to pass); for her kind, consistent and most of all Christian character in causing the Pastor's Summit to take place.
Now then, let me say that the Pastor's Summit was, in my estimation a life changing event. The goal of the "Summit" was to have a "safe place" where select senior pastors could come together and share their hearts with one another where the work of the pastoral ministry is concerned.
From the very beginning my goal was not a numerical one. I wanted no more than twelve pastors for the Summit with the thought that the smaller number would better lend itself to the intimacy, honesty and building of what I hope would be real relationship between brothers of like faith, mind and heart.
From the very beginning my hope was that a time of personal refreshing, revival and renewal would take place in the lives of those pastors in attendance. With the largest emphasis of that refreshing, revival and renewing being of a "Spiritual" nature.
From the time the vision for this Summit was birthed and I began to put feet to my faith (this happened in October 2008)- in terms of contacting the hotel, producing the initial flyers and beginning to share the word, via word of mouth about the event- to the time it all came to fruition much took place.
As a Christian pastor seeking to host this event, out of a need I see for this event to take place and with the approval and leading of our most High God, I wrestled early on with trying to attract senior pastor's with the lure of a nationally known pastor and/or preaching personality as our Summit facilitator. To this end, I initially contacted three men. one of them significantly better known than the other two with respect to being a national preaching personality. Those three men were the inimitable Dr. Charles E. Booth; the inimitable Pastor Harry R. Fort; and the inimitable Pastor Fred Campbell. From here I had flyers produced and mailed out, sharing news of this event; and had the event advertises via the HOPE Ministries website on the world wide web.
Within months of the Summit Pastor Harry R. Fort was no longer one of the facilitators. With weeks to go until the Summit, I decided to cancel the event out of personal frustration and a closer look at my financial obligation. Consequently I shared the news with my wife Angela and contacted Dr. Booth to share the same.
For whatever reason I delayed sharing that decision with Pastor Campbell.
With weeks to go until the Summit, I had a change of heart and was moved to move forward with the event- honestly knowing the entire time that the need for this event and the calling to do it, host it, have it ... was what is most important.
It's Saturday evening now. 6:26PM on October 24, 2009. And let me say this "To God be the glory for the things He has done"! The Summit by all indications was a success. And by "indications" I speak of the spiritual indicators that count most. By "success" I speak to the original goal of having a safe place where senior pastors could come and grow together.
The location of the Summit is the beautiful and secluded Sheraton Wildhorse Pass and Resort in south Chandler Arizona. The location was a very important decision since I wanted to have this event take place somewhere that was accessible yet gave a sense of being secluded... almost isolated. The location was important because I wanted some place that was "excellent" in terms of it being a quality, top shelf, first class- if you please hotel/resort. The Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa is all of those things and more.
The lone facilitator or conversation starter as I like to call it for the Summit was Reverend Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Redwood City California.
The senior pastors in attendance at the Summit were, Pastor Troy C. Allen, of Phoenix Arizona; Pastor/Dr. Johnny Baylor, of Carson California; Pastor Shawn Buckannon, of Sierra Vista Arizona; Pastor Michael Collier, of Mesa Arizona; Pastor Melvin Foard, of Queen Creek Arizona; Pastor Abram Moore, of Coolidge Arizona; Pastor Claudell Myles, of Phoenix Arizona; and Pastor Welton Pleasant, of Los Angeles California. Counting Pastor Campbell and myself there was a total of ten senior pastors.
Our time together was probing, powerful and precious. I believe that healing and genuine love was shared this weekend. From our initial dinner and session on Thursday, through our three meals and three sessions on Friday, and our breakfast and closing session this morning The Lord worked on us. We shared more than meals these last three days, we shared an experience that can never be repeated.
I've already begun mentioning and setting up meetings with Mr. Merold Porter, my sales representative at the Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa for next years Pastor's Summit. And unless The LORD says otherwise, we will have a glorious time with Jesus and one another.
To my brother pastors who attended this years Summit, let me say: Thank you for coming. Thank you for caring and thank you for committing your time, resources and most importantly yourselves to this weekend. To Pastor Fred Campbell, thank you for leading us as our facilitator for the weekend. We had no "agenda" so to speak, we simply asked The Lord to take control. To my other fellow pastors who said they were coming and did not. Or, who wanted to come and could not. Let me say that I've already begun working on The Pastor's Summit 2010. The weekend has already been determined. It is Thursday, October 21st through Saturday morning, October 23rd. The location has already been decided. It is the Sheraton Wildhorse Pass Resort and Spa in south Chandler Arizona. And a numerical cap is being worked out now. With respect to the number of senior pastors in attendance I don't want to exceed 20. And, at this point I am thinking of stopping at 15.
That said, if you are a senior pastor who is interested in coming begin doing a few things: 1) Pray. Ask The LORD if the Pastor's Summit 2010 is for you. 2. Begin putting some financial resources away now to that end.
Then, once you've heard from The LORD, please contact me via the information provided on either the HOPE Ministries website (WWW.HOPEMINISTRIESAZ.ORG); or the Canaan Missionary Baptist Church website (WWW.MYCMBC.ORG); and let me know of your decision.
Now, may the love of God and sweet communion of The Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
Sherman J. Fort, Servant of JESUS CHRIST
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Recently I've had the opportunity to preach for two wonderful brothers.
The first, Rev., Dr. David L. Wade, Pastor of the historic Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. I've had the distinct pleasure of knowing this gregarious, generous, giving Pastor since he first arrived in Arizona a few short years ago.
Pastor Wade was scheduled to go out of town on preaching business and asked me to come and share The WORD of GOD with his people at Mt. Calvary. I'm thankful that The LORD gave me clearance to leave my Canaan familly and preach at Mt. Calvary that Sunday ... particularly since Pastor Wade and I pastor different churches in the same city. In truth, our churches are just a few miles apart.
The Calvary Church family proved to be welcoming, warm and friendly. The service was vibrant. The choir (yes, I said choir... not praise team); sang one of my favorite gospel songs from bygone years. Namely, "Uncloudy Day". Dr. Wade's associate Minister and Deacons were kind as well.
It is my prayer that our God was pleased with my attempt at preaching His WORD to His people (those Dr. Wade calls "the sweet members" of Calvary.
I thank my God for this preaching privilege.
Most recently, just last week in fact, I was blessed with another wonderful preaching opportunity. Believe it or not, I preached for the inimitable Rev., Dr. Emil M. Thomas.
Pastor Thomas serves as Pastor of Destiny Church in the Washington DC/Baltimore Maryland area. WOW! What an experience. When it comes to Dr. Thomas it has been my distinct pleasure and privilege to know him for better than twenty five years now. When I was a much younger preacher he allowed Pastor Fredrick L. Fairley, Pastor Thomas E. Fisher, myself and so many other
"young preachers" to preach at the Jerusalem Baptist Church, in Palo Alto California- during his tenure their as Senior Pastor.
Not long after I began serving as Pastor of Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Thomas preached at CMBC. And, since that time he has become a favorite of both Pastor and people. In fact, Pastor Thomas has now exceeded my friend and brother Rev. Fredrick L. Fairley Sr., as the preacher who has preached most often at CMBC. I believe he's conducted our Annual Church Revival for five years in a row. And, if The LORD says the same he will join Pastor Louis B. Jones II, one Sunday in January 2010 as our special guest lecturer that day.
Let me get back to the point. Pastor Thomas allowed me the privilege of preaching for him last week at Destiny Church. His church is alive, vibrant, kind, friendly, warm and welcoming! The music provided by the Male Chorus was excellent! Not only was Bro. Jones on point with both playing and singing, it was The Holy Spirit active in these men that took service to another level.
And, in spite of Pastor Thomas telling a joke about the Washington Redskins football team, the men presented him with an authentic Philadelphia Eagles/Michael Vick Jersey. They gave him the real thing. The men remembered his making reference to the jersey some time earlier and gave it to him on this their first Annual Men's Day.
Again, I hope The LORD was pleased with my effort to preach His WORD at Destiny church.
Thank you Pastor Wade. Thank you Pastor Thomas.
Sherman J. Fort
The first, Rev., Dr. David L. Wade, Pastor of the historic Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. I've had the distinct pleasure of knowing this gregarious, generous, giving Pastor since he first arrived in Arizona a few short years ago.
Pastor Wade was scheduled to go out of town on preaching business and asked me to come and share The WORD of GOD with his people at Mt. Calvary. I'm thankful that The LORD gave me clearance to leave my Canaan familly and preach at Mt. Calvary that Sunday ... particularly since Pastor Wade and I pastor different churches in the same city. In truth, our churches are just a few miles apart.
The Calvary Church family proved to be welcoming, warm and friendly. The service was vibrant. The choir (yes, I said choir... not praise team); sang one of my favorite gospel songs from bygone years. Namely, "Uncloudy Day". Dr. Wade's associate Minister and Deacons were kind as well.
It is my prayer that our God was pleased with my attempt at preaching His WORD to His people (those Dr. Wade calls "the sweet members" of Calvary.
I thank my God for this preaching privilege.
Most recently, just last week in fact, I was blessed with another wonderful preaching opportunity. Believe it or not, I preached for the inimitable Rev., Dr. Emil M. Thomas.
Pastor Thomas serves as Pastor of Destiny Church in the Washington DC/Baltimore Maryland area. WOW! What an experience. When it comes to Dr. Thomas it has been my distinct pleasure and privilege to know him for better than twenty five years now. When I was a much younger preacher he allowed Pastor Fredrick L. Fairley, Pastor Thomas E. Fisher, myself and so many other
"young preachers" to preach at the Jerusalem Baptist Church, in Palo Alto California- during his tenure their as Senior Pastor.
Not long after I began serving as Pastor of Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Thomas preached at CMBC. And, since that time he has become a favorite of both Pastor and people. In fact, Pastor Thomas has now exceeded my friend and brother Rev. Fredrick L. Fairley Sr., as the preacher who has preached most often at CMBC. I believe he's conducted our Annual Church Revival for five years in a row. And, if The LORD says the same he will join Pastor Louis B. Jones II, one Sunday in January 2010 as our special guest lecturer that day.
Let me get back to the point. Pastor Thomas allowed me the privilege of preaching for him last week at Destiny Church. His church is alive, vibrant, kind, friendly, warm and welcoming! The music provided by the Male Chorus was excellent! Not only was Bro. Jones on point with both playing and singing, it was The Holy Spirit active in these men that took service to another level.
And, in spite of Pastor Thomas telling a joke about the Washington Redskins football team, the men presented him with an authentic Philadelphia Eagles/Michael Vick Jersey. They gave him the real thing. The men remembered his making reference to the jersey some time earlier and gave it to him on this their first Annual Men's Day.
Again, I hope The LORD was pleased with my effort to preach His WORD at Destiny church.
Thank you Pastor Wade. Thank you Pastor Thomas.
Sherman J. Fort
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Marriage Matters!
I recently heard Dr. Ralph D. West (quickly becoming one of my favorite preachers); refer to an article written in the 1920's in a Harper & Rowe Magazine titled: "What's The Matter With Preaching?"
I think of that reference now, the couples ministry at our Church prepare for our next Couple's Fellowship- and I ask myself quietly... "What's The Matter With Marriage?"
Now, before you think too much into this. Two things immediately come to mind here. 1) Marriage in fact matters! 2) In our modern world, marriage is suffering.
This quick blog is not about laying blame for any negative views on marriage at the feed of any person or group. I'm just thinking out loud. Marriage matters! It matters so much to our God that marriage is His idea. God officiated over the very first marriage between Adam and Eve.
It's in marriage and the confines of the Christian family that our God has chosen to build the weight and worth of a society and culture.
Marriage is a merger of two people... a husband (or house-band); and a wife (or help-meet). But Christian marriage is more than the merging of two, it's the merging of three into one. That is to say, marriage is about a Christian man and woman loving Jesus Christ and growing closer to Him and one another at the same time.
Without question, one of the best images I've seen of a Christian marriage is that of a triangle. Go ahead, draw one on a piece of paper. Now, write the word JESUS at the top of the triangle. Now, write the words "husband" and "wife" at each corner at the bottom of the triangle. Go ahead do it. It'll only take a moment or two.
Now, draw a line pointing from the word husband to the top of the triangle where the word JESUS is. Do the same with the word wife on the other side of the triangle.
There you have it. Marriage at its best is a husband and wife each striving to fall in love with Jesus Christ, grow closer to Him, become more like Him... and in the process they grow closer to one another. Eventually meeting at the top where Jesus is.
There is an off chance that a married member of CMBC may read this particular blog this week. If so, join the CMBC marriage ministry this Saturday, October 3, 2009 for a great time of fun, food and faith sharing with one another. We have a fine and faithful couple, Darryl and Jennifer Dorsey who lead our Couples Ministry. They, along with our other couples will be glad to have you join us.
Keep believing in marriage. It matters!
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
I think of that reference now, the couples ministry at our Church prepare for our next Couple's Fellowship- and I ask myself quietly... "What's The Matter With Marriage?"
Now, before you think too much into this. Two things immediately come to mind here. 1) Marriage in fact matters! 2) In our modern world, marriage is suffering.
This quick blog is not about laying blame for any negative views on marriage at the feed of any person or group. I'm just thinking out loud. Marriage matters! It matters so much to our God that marriage is His idea. God officiated over the very first marriage between Adam and Eve.
It's in marriage and the confines of the Christian family that our God has chosen to build the weight and worth of a society and culture.
Marriage is a merger of two people... a husband (or house-band); and a wife (or help-meet). But Christian marriage is more than the merging of two, it's the merging of three into one. That is to say, marriage is about a Christian man and woman loving Jesus Christ and growing closer to Him and one another at the same time.
Without question, one of the best images I've seen of a Christian marriage is that of a triangle. Go ahead, draw one on a piece of paper. Now, write the word JESUS at the top of the triangle. Now, write the words "husband" and "wife" at each corner at the bottom of the triangle. Go ahead do it. It'll only take a moment or two.
Now, draw a line pointing from the word husband to the top of the triangle where the word JESUS is. Do the same with the word wife on the other side of the triangle.
There you have it. Marriage at its best is a husband and wife each striving to fall in love with Jesus Christ, grow closer to Him, become more like Him... and in the process they grow closer to one another. Eventually meeting at the top where Jesus is.
There is an off chance that a married member of CMBC may read this particular blog this week. If so, join the CMBC marriage ministry this Saturday, October 3, 2009 for a great time of fun, food and faith sharing with one another. We have a fine and faithful couple, Darryl and Jennifer Dorsey who lead our Couples Ministry. They, along with our other couples will be glad to have you join us.
Keep believing in marriage. It matters!
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thankful for preaching opportunity!
I was honored just a few weeks ago by Rev. Ottley Holmes and the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. Pastor Holmes and his church family invited me to be the guest speaker at one of the Pastor Appreciation Service's this year.
The afternoon celebration took place a few Sunday afternoon's ago. Several guest churches were invited and shared in song. A number of preachers and pastors were present as well. Including at least two associate ministers from Canaan Missionary Baptist Church.
I attempted to preach a sermon titled: How To Treat The Pastor. The text was First Timothy 5:17 & 18. Again, I wanted to be short, considering it was an afternoon program and one with several guests no less. Also, once again, I'm making an attempt to deal with smaller sections of Scripture in my hope to be more thorough.
I'm thankful for The Lord blessing me in spite of myself. I still need to work on my "close". I have a personal conviction about always closing every message with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's not what I'm talking about here however, now I'm just talking about style and flavor in closing. Any way, that's not what I wanted to write about.
I really wanted to say that I'm grateful to Pastor Ottley Holmes for the invitation and I'm encouraged when I see churches encouraging their Pastor with words and gifts of thanksgiving and appreciation for a job well done. Indeed, the pastor who "rules well"; especially those who "labor in preaching and teaching" are worthy of "double honor".
While I haven't heard Pastor Holmes preach every Sunday morning, I'm convinced he's a solid Bible preacher. In fact, he hosts a weekly radio show on one of our local AM stations here in the valley of the sun. I'd encourage you to check him out when you have the chance. I listened to part of a broadcast recently, he was teaching from the book of Acts.
If you're interested you can check him out online. Their church website address is:
May our God continue to bless us with preachers and pastors who preach The gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the opportunity to preach The Word at Shiloh M.B.C. pastor Holmes.
Preaching The gospel of Jesus Christ is not just a privilege, it is a responsibility. Thank you Jesus. Please make me the preacher You want me to be.
Pastor Fort
The afternoon celebration took place a few Sunday afternoon's ago. Several guest churches were invited and shared in song. A number of preachers and pastors were present as well. Including at least two associate ministers from Canaan Missionary Baptist Church.
I attempted to preach a sermon titled: How To Treat The Pastor. The text was First Timothy 5:17 & 18. Again, I wanted to be short, considering it was an afternoon program and one with several guests no less. Also, once again, I'm making an attempt to deal with smaller sections of Scripture in my hope to be more thorough.
I'm thankful for The Lord blessing me in spite of myself. I still need to work on my "close". I have a personal conviction about always closing every message with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's not what I'm talking about here however, now I'm just talking about style and flavor in closing. Any way, that's not what I wanted to write about.
I really wanted to say that I'm grateful to Pastor Ottley Holmes for the invitation and I'm encouraged when I see churches encouraging their Pastor with words and gifts of thanksgiving and appreciation for a job well done. Indeed, the pastor who "rules well"; especially those who "labor in preaching and teaching" are worthy of "double honor".
While I haven't heard Pastor Holmes preach every Sunday morning, I'm convinced he's a solid Bible preacher. In fact, he hosts a weekly radio show on one of our local AM stations here in the valley of the sun. I'd encourage you to check him out when you have the chance. I listened to part of a broadcast recently, he was teaching from the book of Acts.
If you're interested you can check him out online. Their church website address is:
May our God continue to bless us with preachers and pastors who preach The gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for the opportunity to preach The Word at Shiloh M.B.C. pastor Holmes.
Preaching The gospel of Jesus Christ is not just a privilege, it is a responsibility. Thank you Jesus. Please make me the preacher You want me to be.
Pastor Fort
Joy ... No Matter What!
Four Sundays ago I began a new sermon series in the book of Philippians.
It's been a wonderful journey so far.
I titled the first sermon: Joy And The Single Life. In this message I attempted to set up the context of the book and emphasis the Apostle Paul's repeated use of the words "all" and "my" in the opening verses. I wanted to communicate the fact that Paul was inclusive in his addressing "all the Saints with a particular emphasis on the fact that he ultimately had a single goal in mind.
Consequently, joy can be the reality of every beliver when we seek a single focus on The Lord Jesus Christ, His will, Word and way in our lives.
I titled the second sermon: Paul's Prayer for his People". The text here was Philippians 1:3-6. In this sermon I talked about being thankful, being thoughtful and closed on the fact that our God is thorough. A quick look at the passage reveals this simple but profound outline.
I titled the third sermon: Paul's Prayer for his People Part 2... Abounding Love. The text for this sermon was Philippians 1:7-11. In this message I tried to emphasize the matter of affection, association, abounding love and approving those things which are "excellent".
It's friday night now and Sunday morning will be here soon. I'm looking forward to it too. And what a great passage of Scripture Philippians 1:12-17 is. I don't know that I'll be able to cover all of those verses this week. I've made a commitment lately to focus on smaller pieces of Scripture. This is for two reasons. First, there's just so much in each verse that it's hard to get through too many verses at one time. Second, I'm trying to be more thorough in my preaching. This goal lends itself to considering smaller portions of Scripture at a time.
Well here's what I really want to say.
No matter what you or I are dealing with today. No matter what we may face tomorrow. And, in truth, no matter what we've had to deal with in our past, that still seeks to lay hold on us in our present... you can have joy no matter what.... if you trust The Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior.
Sherman J. Fort
It's been a wonderful journey so far.
I titled the first sermon: Joy And The Single Life. In this message I attempted to set up the context of the book and emphasis the Apostle Paul's repeated use of the words "all" and "my" in the opening verses. I wanted to communicate the fact that Paul was inclusive in his addressing "all the Saints with a particular emphasis on the fact that he ultimately had a single goal in mind.
Consequently, joy can be the reality of every beliver when we seek a single focus on The Lord Jesus Christ, His will, Word and way in our lives.
I titled the second sermon: Paul's Prayer for his People". The text here was Philippians 1:3-6. In this sermon I talked about being thankful, being thoughtful and closed on the fact that our God is thorough. A quick look at the passage reveals this simple but profound outline.
I titled the third sermon: Paul's Prayer for his People Part 2... Abounding Love. The text for this sermon was Philippians 1:7-11. In this message I tried to emphasize the matter of affection, association, abounding love and approving those things which are "excellent".
It's friday night now and Sunday morning will be here soon. I'm looking forward to it too. And what a great passage of Scripture Philippians 1:12-17 is. I don't know that I'll be able to cover all of those verses this week. I've made a commitment lately to focus on smaller pieces of Scripture. This is for two reasons. First, there's just so much in each verse that it's hard to get through too many verses at one time. Second, I'm trying to be more thorough in my preaching. This goal lends itself to considering smaller portions of Scripture at a time.
Well here's what I really want to say.
No matter what you or I are dealing with today. No matter what we may face tomorrow. And, in truth, no matter what we've had to deal with in our past, that still seeks to lay hold on us in our present... you can have joy no matter what.... if you trust The Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior.
Sherman J. Fort
Friday, August 21, 2009
It's Friday night. My wife and daughters have just left along with two other Minister's wives and their daughters for a women's retreat near Carefree Arizona.
I've been musing over the matter of holiness and compromise for some time now. As I continue to do so now in the quiet of my home, I'm moved to write just a little about this matter.
I have some old convictions along with some new conclusions that I reached recently. I just want to share some musings with you.
1) I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. I'm a registered independent. But, more than that I fancy myself a Christocrat. I know, new word. I made it up some time ago. I want to be a Christian first, through and through. Then, shape everything else on that fact. Including my politics.
2) The Scripture is clear, God has called His children to live holy lives! It's something we can't do without Him. But, He has given us the permanent, personal, presence of The Holy Spirit, His instruction on how to live in His Word, the Bible; and The Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Redeemer, God, Friend and example.
3) This matter of compromising The gospel for gain must come to an end.
Am I alone or have you also noticed the craziness going on among clergy and laity alike in the U.S.A.?
We've got preachers and pastors preaching false doctrine and calling it the gospel. Pastors, preachers and church members around the country have been caught up in sexual, yea even homosexual scandals.
Have you noticed the number of preaching personalities who've attempted to make the jump from the pulpit to national talk shows lately? And watch this, as "life coach" no less.
What? Did God call you to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ? If so, what's going on?
Have you noticed the ridiculous emphasis on money among certain ministers and ministries lately? I know this focus has been around for decades, perhaps it just seems to me like it's even more prevalent than ever before.
Have you noticed the move of one church in two, no make that three locations? And, now the move to pastor one church in two states? Now here's the latest I've heard... one church in two (or more) countries.
Now, know this, I'm not against the spreading of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I just question whether or not it's His gospel we're spreading? It seems to me in most, if not all of these cases, men are looking to make a name for themselves. It seems to me as though men are looking to build monuments unto themselves.
Now above everything else I've said thus far, the greatest indictment may not be against the preachers and pastors at all. A case can be made that we have churches filled with people who simply don't know The Lord Jesus Christ the way they say they do. In fact, too many of us don't know our Bibles. If we did, we'd recognize false teaching and preaching when we hear it. And we'd cease doing two things:
1) Supporting ministries that claim to be Christian but are not.
2) Step up our evangelizing efforts and intentionally, fervently share Christ with others.
Okay, I'm going to stop writing now.
Pray for me. Let's all pray for one another.
Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort
I've been musing over the matter of holiness and compromise for some time now. As I continue to do so now in the quiet of my home, I'm moved to write just a little about this matter.
I have some old convictions along with some new conclusions that I reached recently. I just want to share some musings with you.
1) I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican. I'm a registered independent. But, more than that I fancy myself a Christocrat. I know, new word. I made it up some time ago. I want to be a Christian first, through and through. Then, shape everything else on that fact. Including my politics.
2) The Scripture is clear, God has called His children to live holy lives! It's something we can't do without Him. But, He has given us the permanent, personal, presence of The Holy Spirit, His instruction on how to live in His Word, the Bible; and The Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, Redeemer, God, Friend and example.
3) This matter of compromising The gospel for gain must come to an end.
Am I alone or have you also noticed the craziness going on among clergy and laity alike in the U.S.A.?
We've got preachers and pastors preaching false doctrine and calling it the gospel. Pastors, preachers and church members around the country have been caught up in sexual, yea even homosexual scandals.
Have you noticed the number of preaching personalities who've attempted to make the jump from the pulpit to national talk shows lately? And watch this, as "life coach" no less.
What? Did God call you to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ? If so, what's going on?
Have you noticed the ridiculous emphasis on money among certain ministers and ministries lately? I know this focus has been around for decades, perhaps it just seems to me like it's even more prevalent than ever before.
Have you noticed the move of one church in two, no make that three locations? And, now the move to pastor one church in two states? Now here's the latest I've heard... one church in two (or more) countries.
Now, know this, I'm not against the spreading of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. I just question whether or not it's His gospel we're spreading? It seems to me in most, if not all of these cases, men are looking to make a name for themselves. It seems to me as though men are looking to build monuments unto themselves.
Now above everything else I've said thus far, the greatest indictment may not be against the preachers and pastors at all. A case can be made that we have churches filled with people who simply don't know The Lord Jesus Christ the way they say they do. In fact, too many of us don't know our Bibles. If we did, we'd recognize false teaching and preaching when we hear it. And we'd cease doing two things:
1) Supporting ministries that claim to be Christian but are not.
2) Step up our evangelizing efforts and intentionally, fervently share Christ with others.
Okay, I'm going to stop writing now.
Pray for me. Let's all pray for one another.
Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort
Monday, August 17, 2009
Monday Morning Reflections!
I was blessed yesterday to preach at a great church... twice! That great church is Canaan Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. It's the church where The Lord Jesus Christ has allowed me to serve as senior minister, as pastor for nineteen years now.
The reason I call it a "great church" is because it has a great God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Lord Jesus Christ makes His church great.
Two Sundays ago I started a new sermon series for our Sunday morning time together. On Sunday morning's I'm attempting to preach through the book of Philippians. Two Tuesday nights ago I started a new Bible Study series for our adult class. I'm attempting to teach through the book of Esther. This Wednesday afternoon I will prayerfully begin a new Bible Study series in the epistle of James.
All of these are great books.
The benefits of series preaching and teaching are far too many to mention here. But let me say to any pastor or Bible Study leader that series sharing ... for me at least- is the way to go. I know we live in a day where many people are talking about a "right now word". We hear language that almost sounds "spooky" to the hearer. Language that suggests the preacher/pastor is going to get up each Sunday to share The Word of God, and somehow be supernaturally endowed- on the spot- with this right now word for you. It's almost a seance spirit, a kind of "power of prophecy" hour in ministry.
But on a more stable, stout and sturdy level, let me suggest that series preaching and teaching is a better way to go. Some of the reasons that make it better include: 1) Both you and the people you're preaching or teaching to, know where they're going from week to week. 2) It builds christians in a more dedicated and dynamic way than sharing a new thought, idea or conviction from week to week. 3) It allows the hearer and student to study ahead. 4) It makes the preacher and teacher deal with whatever subject the text speaks of- that is if you're approaching the preaching and teaching from a verse by verse exposition of The Scripture. Etc., Etc., Etceteras
That said, the other thing I've really been trying to practice lately in my preaching it brevity. By brevity I mean, not trying to tackle too many verses of Scripture in a single sermon. For me, there's just too much in every verse, sentence, phrase, etc. And, through the years, as I've made vain attempts to preach large sections of Scripture I inevitably rush it and fail to give justice to the passage I'm attempting to share.
But not only brevity in my preaching in terms of text preached, but also brevity in my preaching in terms of time spent preaching the message. Now at this point let me say that I am not placing emphasis on being short- in terms of time for short sake. Rather, I refer to not going so long in the sermon that the people lose interest-because their attention span is only so long.
Finally, by brevity I also refer to announcements and my musing from the pulpit. I've discovered something over the years. I like church, I like serving as a pastor. And, I really like preaching. Sometimes this fact, combined with a few key announcements on Sunday morning make me long in the tooth with respect to talking. Yesterday, I asked our new Church Administrator, Deacon Emerson Turner, to please handle Sunday morning announcements for me going forward.
I did have another opportunity to preach yesterday for the great Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. The event was the twelfth appreciation service for Pastor Ottley and Sis. Wanda Holmes. My, my, my, what a great pastor and first lady. They honored me with an invitation to come and preach.
I hope the message was helpful to both pastor and people.
I believe Pastor Holmes is a good person. He's a solid, Bible preacher and teacher. Sis. Holmes was beautiful and gracious. In addition to his duties as pastor of Shiloh MBC, Pastor Holmes also has a weekly radio show on one of our local Christian radio stations where he teaches The Word of God. Sis. Holmes owns her own hat business. And the hat she had on yesterday was beautiful and elegant.
Lastly, I was really blessed yesterday to have my pastor in church at our 10:20 worship service. Reverend Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Redwood City, California. I didn't see him until I was walking out of the sanctuary to go in my office for a brief moment during the offering period. And there he was seated in the back (in the lobby in fact). When I saw him, I greeted him, went back into the sanctuary and then asked him to come up and say a word to our church. With reluctance he did. Now, he was brief and classy at the same time.
I'm grateful for Pastor Campbell and other men who have helped shape my thinking, my heart and my ministry.
It's Monday morning. I have two appointments this morning at the church. I'm going to try and leave after that. We'll see what happens.
The reason I call it a "great church" is because it has a great God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Lord Jesus Christ makes His church great.
Two Sundays ago I started a new sermon series for our Sunday morning time together. On Sunday morning's I'm attempting to preach through the book of Philippians. Two Tuesday nights ago I started a new Bible Study series for our adult class. I'm attempting to teach through the book of Esther. This Wednesday afternoon I will prayerfully begin a new Bible Study series in the epistle of James.
All of these are great books.
The benefits of series preaching and teaching are far too many to mention here. But let me say to any pastor or Bible Study leader that series sharing ... for me at least- is the way to go. I know we live in a day where many people are talking about a "right now word". We hear language that almost sounds "spooky" to the hearer. Language that suggests the preacher/pastor is going to get up each Sunday to share The Word of God, and somehow be supernaturally endowed- on the spot- with this right now word for you. It's almost a seance spirit, a kind of "power of prophecy" hour in ministry.
But on a more stable, stout and sturdy level, let me suggest that series preaching and teaching is a better way to go. Some of the reasons that make it better include: 1) Both you and the people you're preaching or teaching to, know where they're going from week to week. 2) It builds christians in a more dedicated and dynamic way than sharing a new thought, idea or conviction from week to week. 3) It allows the hearer and student to study ahead. 4) It makes the preacher and teacher deal with whatever subject the text speaks of- that is if you're approaching the preaching and teaching from a verse by verse exposition of The Scripture. Etc., Etc., Etceteras
That said, the other thing I've really been trying to practice lately in my preaching it brevity. By brevity I mean, not trying to tackle too many verses of Scripture in a single sermon. For me, there's just too much in every verse, sentence, phrase, etc. And, through the years, as I've made vain attempts to preach large sections of Scripture I inevitably rush it and fail to give justice to the passage I'm attempting to share.
But not only brevity in my preaching in terms of text preached, but also brevity in my preaching in terms of time spent preaching the message. Now at this point let me say that I am not placing emphasis on being short- in terms of time for short sake. Rather, I refer to not going so long in the sermon that the people lose interest-because their attention span is only so long.
Finally, by brevity I also refer to announcements and my musing from the pulpit. I've discovered something over the years. I like church, I like serving as a pastor. And, I really like preaching. Sometimes this fact, combined with a few key announcements on Sunday morning make me long in the tooth with respect to talking. Yesterday, I asked our new Church Administrator, Deacon Emerson Turner, to please handle Sunday morning announcements for me going forward.
I did have another opportunity to preach yesterday for the great Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Mesa Arizona. The event was the twelfth appreciation service for Pastor Ottley and Sis. Wanda Holmes. My, my, my, what a great pastor and first lady. They honored me with an invitation to come and preach.
I hope the message was helpful to both pastor and people.
I believe Pastor Holmes is a good person. He's a solid, Bible preacher and teacher. Sis. Holmes was beautiful and gracious. In addition to his duties as pastor of Shiloh MBC, Pastor Holmes also has a weekly radio show on one of our local Christian radio stations where he teaches The Word of God. Sis. Holmes owns her own hat business. And the hat she had on yesterday was beautiful and elegant.
Lastly, I was really blessed yesterday to have my pastor in church at our 10:20 worship service. Reverend Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Redwood City, California. I didn't see him until I was walking out of the sanctuary to go in my office for a brief moment during the offering period. And there he was seated in the back (in the lobby in fact). When I saw him, I greeted him, went back into the sanctuary and then asked him to come up and say a word to our church. With reluctance he did. Now, he was brief and classy at the same time.
I'm grateful for Pastor Campbell and other men who have helped shape my thinking, my heart and my ministry.
It's Monday morning. I have two appointments this morning at the church. I'm going to try and leave after that. We'll see what happens.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
On Judging Others!
Mankind has a natural inclination to pass judgment on one another. Even among christians we have a tendency to cast judgment on other Christians.
Now, there is no question that we are called by our God to assess, examine, and make a judgment at times with respect to people, places and things... in keeping with The Word of God and as we are led by The Holy Spirit. But that's not what I'm talking about here.
Here, I'm talking about the manner in which some of us, judge others of us when we should not. I am a christian, who has suffered with a very serious disease called legalism. Maybe you've heard of this illness? The legalism that I speak of is born out of a genuine desire to live a holy life according to The Word of God. But somewhere in the process the person suffering with this illness moves from a desire to live a holy life to a point where they can't move or think without beating themselves up about a particular matter.
The religious leaders of Jesus' day suffered from a type of legalism. They obeyed what the Scriptures in principle, but disobeyed The Lord in practice. That is to say, a surface look at their lives left the viewer with the impression that they were living a holy life... in keeping with the law of God. However, a deeper look at their heart revealed they'd violated the law of God and did not authentically love Him.
And, what's worse... they sat in judgment of others. Calling others hypocrites, referring to others as some kind of immature believer if you will.
In Romans chapter fourteen, the Apostle Paul writes to the saints who live in Rome about this very matter. In the end, he says that we should remember that The Lord God is the only Judge that matters. It's His judgment that is right and pure. His judgment matters.
Paul writes that we should not quarrel, fight or dispute of things that do not matter.
The late Dr. E. K. Bailey said: "Some things are urgent and some things are important. When it comes to The Gospel, it is both urgent and important".
Perhaps we've spent too much time examining the life of another believer, looking for the speck in their eye, and ignoring the forest in our own.
I believe God has called us to holiness. I believe we should seek to live holy lives. And seek to live that holy life in, through and by the power of The Holy Spirit. Being sure that our actions are guided by the instruction we receive in The Word of God.
I believe that we should not do anything in the presence of another believer that might cause that "weaker" less mature believer to stumble. We must recognize that not every believer is aware of the fact that Christ has made us free from the law of sin and death. Not every believer understands that we've been set free. Moreover, if the exercise of our freedom in Christ causes another, weaker, less mature believer to stumble in their faith- we should exercise that freedom in their presence... and perhaps not all.
Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should. Especially, when it hurts or has potential to hurt someone else.
I believe that we should spend our time intentionally trying to win people to Jesus Christ. And intentionally trying to disciple people who are believers already. That is to say, we should seek to help the weaker, less mature believer become fully mature in Christ Jesus.
In the end it is salvation and discipleship that is both urgent and important.
Safe in Christ,
Sherman J. Fort
Now, there is no question that we are called by our God to assess, examine, and make a judgment at times with respect to people, places and things... in keeping with The Word of God and as we are led by The Holy Spirit. But that's not what I'm talking about here.
Here, I'm talking about the manner in which some of us, judge others of us when we should not. I am a christian, who has suffered with a very serious disease called legalism. Maybe you've heard of this illness? The legalism that I speak of is born out of a genuine desire to live a holy life according to The Word of God. But somewhere in the process the person suffering with this illness moves from a desire to live a holy life to a point where they can't move or think without beating themselves up about a particular matter.
The religious leaders of Jesus' day suffered from a type of legalism. They obeyed what the Scriptures in principle, but disobeyed The Lord in practice. That is to say, a surface look at their lives left the viewer with the impression that they were living a holy life... in keeping with the law of God. However, a deeper look at their heart revealed they'd violated the law of God and did not authentically love Him.
And, what's worse... they sat in judgment of others. Calling others hypocrites, referring to others as some kind of immature believer if you will.
In Romans chapter fourteen, the Apostle Paul writes to the saints who live in Rome about this very matter. In the end, he says that we should remember that The Lord God is the only Judge that matters. It's His judgment that is right and pure. His judgment matters.
Paul writes that we should not quarrel, fight or dispute of things that do not matter.
The late Dr. E. K. Bailey said: "Some things are urgent and some things are important. When it comes to The Gospel, it is both urgent and important".
Perhaps we've spent too much time examining the life of another believer, looking for the speck in their eye, and ignoring the forest in our own.
I believe God has called us to holiness. I believe we should seek to live holy lives. And seek to live that holy life in, through and by the power of The Holy Spirit. Being sure that our actions are guided by the instruction we receive in The Word of God.
I believe that we should not do anything in the presence of another believer that might cause that "weaker" less mature believer to stumble. We must recognize that not every believer is aware of the fact that Christ has made us free from the law of sin and death. Not every believer understands that we've been set free. Moreover, if the exercise of our freedom in Christ causes another, weaker, less mature believer to stumble in their faith- we should exercise that freedom in their presence... and perhaps not all.
Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should. Especially, when it hurts or has potential to hurt someone else.
I believe that we should spend our time intentionally trying to win people to Jesus Christ. And intentionally trying to disciple people who are believers already. That is to say, we should seek to help the weaker, less mature believer become fully mature in Christ Jesus.
In the end it is salvation and discipleship that is both urgent and important.
Safe in Christ,
Sherman J. Fort
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today the Youth and Young Adult Ministry of CMBC is launching their own website.
It's something I've never done before at CMBC, but I believe it's time. Check it out when you have the time. It's still under construction. It's in a very basic format. I'm sure it will always be a work in progress as we live in this ever-changing world.
I'm looking to have a "facebook" piece and maybe even a "myspace" piece. If you knew me, you would know that's a huge consideration.
Finally, if you need a website for your church or business, let me suggest that you consider getting a quote from my sister Candice Fort. She's the architect of both the CMBC site and this new youth site. You can check her site out at:
Pray for me. I'm praying for you.
Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort
It's something I've never done before at CMBC, but I believe it's time. Check it out when you have the time. It's still under construction. It's in a very basic format. I'm sure it will always be a work in progress as we live in this ever-changing world.
I'm looking to have a "facebook" piece and maybe even a "myspace" piece. If you knew me, you would know that's a huge consideration.
Finally, if you need a website for your church or business, let me suggest that you consider getting a quote from my sister Candice Fort. She's the architect of both the CMBC site and this new youth site. You can check her site out at:
Pray for me. I'm praying for you.
Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort
Friday, July 17, 2009
Gullible. That's what most of us are. Most of us are gullible, easily influenced, quickly intoxicated and even more easily manipulated by the world, the flesh and the devil.
On the contrary, it seems to me that we are not so easily influenced, impacted or engaged when it comes to The Lord Jesus Christ. While the Bible calls for us to be "filled with The Spirit"; and to be under the influence of our God as we read, study and live out His Word... too much of the time we (Christians) are not.
I recently returned from Dallas Texas and Salt Lake City Utah. I'm scheduled to preach this Sunday at the great Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in Tucson Arizona, Rev. Elwood McDowell, pastor.
Traveling the way I have lately and looking at what's going on in my own life (as I continue to work on the 2009 Pastor's Summit), and as I watch the activity of busyness going on at the church where I serve as Pastor, I can't help but wonder- just how much of what we do is of/from The Lord. And how much is us.
I think that too many times pastor's, preachers, ministry leaders and members of the laity go to conferences, hear sermons and listen to teaching- and then leave mimicking what we've seen and heard.
All too often we attend a conference, revival or class, listen to tremendous testimony which the great things our God is doing in the life of another person church or ministry, and then think that we've been called to do the same thing too.
Now, please know that I realize there is a clear difference between "admiring" someone and mimicking them. There is a difference between being moved and motivated by another person and flat out copying what another believer is doing. The Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians, writes that we should "be imitators of God as dear children". He says that we should mimic our Messiah. But beyond Jesus, we're not told to "mimic" anyone else.
In addition to my being irritated and agitated by what I we see in the body of Christ as a kind of copy cat christian, I am equally disturbed by what appears to be a focus by many on self instead of The Savior.
Have you noticed how many ministries are named for people? Have you noticed how personality driven we seem to be?
Like certain groups in the book of Acts, we seem to relish the preachers and pastors we "sit under". I often hear Christian's speak with great pride when telling others who their pastor is. We say things like: "My pastor is Reverend 'Such in Such'". Or, "My Bishop is Prophet 'So in So'".
In contrast however, I for one rarely hear us brag and boast so quickly and easily about who our Savior is. Hmm?
Have you paid attention to how we plan, arrange and go about programming our events? It's clear that many of us are in competition with one another. Many of us hear about someone else having a conference, holding a seminar or having a revival- and we try to "best" them.
We plan our own similar event. Then plan way too many activities. Then invite everybody in the world to come (regardless of their denomination, religious beliefs, etc.); AND be on "program". When our event takes place we encourage everyone to sing, dance, shout, holler, give their neighbor a "high five", turn around, touch the ground and give the dog a bone.
But hey, here's a question: Where is The Lord in all of this? I'm talking to myself first, so don't trip. But, really, where is The Lord in all of this? Do we really have Him in view? Or, are we thinking about our name, our reputation and our status in the christian community?
May The Lord save us from ourselves. May we let go of our ego and really begin to plan, promote and push things will bring authentic glory to God!
Remember, God is not primarily interested in counting numbers. He's more interested in making the numbers in attendance count. Jesus Christ excused the multitudes on many occasions; and instead chose to invest in twelve men. Twelve, whom the Bible say when about turning the world "upside down".
One of my preaching heroes, Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr., says that the Apostles "turned the world right side up, because it was already upside down".
Some things to look for when trying to determine whether or not your vision is from God are: 1) Ask yourself does your vision find a foundation in The Word of God. 2) Ask yourself is there a prior precedent for my vision in The Word of God. 3) Ask yourself does my vision bring all glory to God, or to me. 4) Ask yourself if unbelievers/non-Christians are brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as your vision is worked out. 5) Ask yourself if Christians are encouraged as your vision is worked out. 6) Ask yourself if you would do the work involved in your vision for free? Or, is your primary motivation money. 7) Ask yourself are you doing the work of the vision in your own strength, or is The Holy Spirit your power source. 8) Ask yourself if you experience joy while carrying out your vision.
Oh yeah, one last thing. Let's try not to wear the people of God out in the performance of our vision and then leave them weak and anemic, when that same audience is asked to minister to their biological families at home as well as their local church family.
Concerning everything I've mentioned... I am guilty.
At the church where I serve, I've made and continue to make moves that I pray will ensure that no one is overworked. Moves that will keep ministry leaders from being burned out. Moves that will not have anyone out at the church building every night of the week, and consequently never at home building that primary family.
Sure there are exceptions. By this, I mean there are persons who will intentionally schedule themselves to be involved in a variety of things that call for them to be out of their home too many nights each week. And, for these people there is often not much we can do. Except this, ... pray!
Let's pray one for another.
Sherman J. Fort
On the contrary, it seems to me that we are not so easily influenced, impacted or engaged when it comes to The Lord Jesus Christ. While the Bible calls for us to be "filled with The Spirit"; and to be under the influence of our God as we read, study and live out His Word... too much of the time we (Christians) are not.
I recently returned from Dallas Texas and Salt Lake City Utah. I'm scheduled to preach this Sunday at the great Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in Tucson Arizona, Rev. Elwood McDowell, pastor.
Traveling the way I have lately and looking at what's going on in my own life (as I continue to work on the 2009 Pastor's Summit), and as I watch the activity of busyness going on at the church where I serve as Pastor, I can't help but wonder- just how much of what we do is of/from The Lord. And how much is us.
I think that too many times pastor's, preachers, ministry leaders and members of the laity go to conferences, hear sermons and listen to teaching- and then leave mimicking what we've seen and heard.
All too often we attend a conference, revival or class, listen to tremendous testimony which the great things our God is doing in the life of another person church or ministry, and then think that we've been called to do the same thing too.
Now, please know that I realize there is a clear difference between "admiring" someone and mimicking them. There is a difference between being moved and motivated by another person and flat out copying what another believer is doing. The Apostle Paul in the book of Ephesians, writes that we should "be imitators of God as dear children". He says that we should mimic our Messiah. But beyond Jesus, we're not told to "mimic" anyone else.
In addition to my being irritated and agitated by what I we see in the body of Christ as a kind of copy cat christian, I am equally disturbed by what appears to be a focus by many on self instead of The Savior.
Have you noticed how many ministries are named for people? Have you noticed how personality driven we seem to be?
Like certain groups in the book of Acts, we seem to relish the preachers and pastors we "sit under". I often hear Christian's speak with great pride when telling others who their pastor is. We say things like: "My pastor is Reverend 'Such in Such'". Or, "My Bishop is Prophet 'So in So'".
In contrast however, I for one rarely hear us brag and boast so quickly and easily about who our Savior is. Hmm?
Have you paid attention to how we plan, arrange and go about programming our events? It's clear that many of us are in competition with one another. Many of us hear about someone else having a conference, holding a seminar or having a revival- and we try to "best" them.
We plan our own similar event. Then plan way too many activities. Then invite everybody in the world to come (regardless of their denomination, religious beliefs, etc.); AND be on "program". When our event takes place we encourage everyone to sing, dance, shout, holler, give their neighbor a "high five", turn around, touch the ground and give the dog a bone.
But hey, here's a question: Where is The Lord in all of this? I'm talking to myself first, so don't trip. But, really, where is The Lord in all of this? Do we really have Him in view? Or, are we thinking about our name, our reputation and our status in the christian community?
May The Lord save us from ourselves. May we let go of our ego and really begin to plan, promote and push things will bring authentic glory to God!
Remember, God is not primarily interested in counting numbers. He's more interested in making the numbers in attendance count. Jesus Christ excused the multitudes on many occasions; and instead chose to invest in twelve men. Twelve, whom the Bible say when about turning the world "upside down".
One of my preaching heroes, Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr., says that the Apostles "turned the world right side up, because it was already upside down".
Some things to look for when trying to determine whether or not your vision is from God are: 1) Ask yourself does your vision find a foundation in The Word of God. 2) Ask yourself is there a prior precedent for my vision in The Word of God. 3) Ask yourself does my vision bring all glory to God, or to me. 4) Ask yourself if unbelievers/non-Christians are brought to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as your vision is worked out. 5) Ask yourself if Christians are encouraged as your vision is worked out. 6) Ask yourself if you would do the work involved in your vision for free? Or, is your primary motivation money. 7) Ask yourself are you doing the work of the vision in your own strength, or is The Holy Spirit your power source. 8) Ask yourself if you experience joy while carrying out your vision.
Oh yeah, one last thing. Let's try not to wear the people of God out in the performance of our vision and then leave them weak and anemic, when that same audience is asked to minister to their biological families at home as well as their local church family.
Concerning everything I've mentioned... I am guilty.
At the church where I serve, I've made and continue to make moves that I pray will ensure that no one is overworked. Moves that will keep ministry leaders from being burned out. Moves that will not have anyone out at the church building every night of the week, and consequently never at home building that primary family.
Sure there are exceptions. By this, I mean there are persons who will intentionally schedule themselves to be involved in a variety of things that call for them to be out of their home too many nights each week. And, for these people there is often not much we can do. Except this, ... pray!
Let's pray one for another.
Sherman J. Fort
Monday, July 13, 2009
JESUS IS LORD... period.
It's just after 9:00am. This past weekend I was blessed to be invited to the great Unity Baptist Church in Salt Lake City Utah, Rev. Harold O. Fields Pastor. The occasion was Pastor and Sis. Fields' eleventh Pastor Appreciation Celebration.
Because I had just returned from Dallas Texas earlier the same week, and in truth, because I didn't want to have Unity Baptist Church incur any unnecessary hotel costs where I'm concerned- and because I really am not all that crazy about being away from home for too long, I made my flight arrangements so that I would leave Saturday morning and return Sunday evening.
Well both services on Sunday at Unity were a blessing! The music ministry at Unity were great, the people were warm and Rev. O. C. Fields, the son of Pastor and Sis. Fields was encouraging during the Sunday morning sermon.
The afternoon program was phenomenal. It appears to me that the Christian clergy in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas have a great fraternity. I mean pastors came out from various denominations and areas in support of this great celebration. The Lord blessed me to preach a sermon that I pray was helpful, encouraging and of course Bible-centered.
Because I really don't like missing flights, especially flights home, I left the pulpit right after I finished preaching (having shared my intent with the church family and asked for forgiveness before I preached); went to Pastor Fields' office, changed my shirt and headed off to the airport, driven by a new friend and brother, the god-loving and gifted, Pastor France Davis.
It was raining when we left the church, but that in now way compared with the rain of circumstances I encountered once I got to the airport. I'd already printed my boarding pass before I left the hotel and had one bag to check when I arrived at the airport.
After approaching the kiosk for automatic check in at the airport, I was told by an employee of the airline that the flight was delayed. Now watch this... it was delayed almost three and one half hours. Instead of departing at the scheduled time of 8:15pm, the flight was now scheduled to depart at 11:40pm.
Ultimately the flight did not leave Salt Lake City Utah until approximately 12:15am. Consequently I did not get home to my wife and family until around 2:20am. Then of course, because I'm a brother who often has a difficult time going to sleep, I didn't get to sleep until just after 3:00am.
Having said all that, let me tell you that God is still better than good! Initially I was pretty upset about the delays in the flight I was scheduled to take. And, when I was told that the reasons for the delay included "operational" problems and "weather" issues- I shared with the airline employee that I'd rather get to my destination delayed and in one piece, rather than on time an all broken up.
So then, one lesson in the delay might be akin to that old adage: "Better late, than not all".
However, once I finally boarded the flight back home to Phoenix the pilot came on the intercom prior to our departure and shared that the real reason for the delay was that forty wheel-chair bound military veterans got on the flight in Chicago. And because of their wheel chairs (both electric and manual); each person needed approximately five minutes to board and then another five minutes or so to de=plane after they arrived at their destination.
The pilot went on to say that these military veterans were going to a celebration of appreciation honoring their service to our country. Most everyone on board the plane began to clap at hearing the reason for the delay. The pilot went on to thank his crew, apologize for the delay and state that his goal was to get us to our destination both safely and as quickly as possible.
It's now Monday morning. I'm up after about four hours sleep. I'm hoping to fall asleep in a few hours and rest for an additional two hours or so... I need it. But I'm moved when I think of the events last night. And I believe one of the lessons in it may be this... It's not about me.
Other things were at work, behind the scenes that I had no knowledge of. I'm reminded of Blackaby's words in his now classic discipleship workbook titled: Experiencing God. He communicates the fact that God is at work behind the scenes.
Even when I'm looking, I don't see it all. But our God has an eye that never slumbers or sleeps. He knew what was going on the whole time. And He brought me back home to Phoenix safe and sound. I peeked in on my oldest daughter sleep in her room, I saw my youngest daughter asleep in the bed, and my wife met me at the door when I arrived.
It's all good ... because it's all about God.
Sherman J. Fort
It's just after 9:00am. This past weekend I was blessed to be invited to the great Unity Baptist Church in Salt Lake City Utah, Rev. Harold O. Fields Pastor. The occasion was Pastor and Sis. Fields' eleventh Pastor Appreciation Celebration.
Because I had just returned from Dallas Texas earlier the same week, and in truth, because I didn't want to have Unity Baptist Church incur any unnecessary hotel costs where I'm concerned- and because I really am not all that crazy about being away from home for too long, I made my flight arrangements so that I would leave Saturday morning and return Sunday evening.
Well both services on Sunday at Unity were a blessing! The music ministry at Unity were great, the people were warm and Rev. O. C. Fields, the son of Pastor and Sis. Fields was encouraging during the Sunday morning sermon.
The afternoon program was phenomenal. It appears to me that the Christian clergy in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas have a great fraternity. I mean pastors came out from various denominations and areas in support of this great celebration. The Lord blessed me to preach a sermon that I pray was helpful, encouraging and of course Bible-centered.
Because I really don't like missing flights, especially flights home, I left the pulpit right after I finished preaching (having shared my intent with the church family and asked for forgiveness before I preached); went to Pastor Fields' office, changed my shirt and headed off to the airport, driven by a new friend and brother, the god-loving and gifted, Pastor France Davis.
It was raining when we left the church, but that in now way compared with the rain of circumstances I encountered once I got to the airport. I'd already printed my boarding pass before I left the hotel and had one bag to check when I arrived at the airport.
After approaching the kiosk for automatic check in at the airport, I was told by an employee of the airline that the flight was delayed. Now watch this... it was delayed almost three and one half hours. Instead of departing at the scheduled time of 8:15pm, the flight was now scheduled to depart at 11:40pm.
Ultimately the flight did not leave Salt Lake City Utah until approximately 12:15am. Consequently I did not get home to my wife and family until around 2:20am. Then of course, because I'm a brother who often has a difficult time going to sleep, I didn't get to sleep until just after 3:00am.
Having said all that, let me tell you that God is still better than good! Initially I was pretty upset about the delays in the flight I was scheduled to take. And, when I was told that the reasons for the delay included "operational" problems and "weather" issues- I shared with the airline employee that I'd rather get to my destination delayed and in one piece, rather than on time an all broken up.
So then, one lesson in the delay might be akin to that old adage: "Better late, than not all".
However, once I finally boarded the flight back home to Phoenix the pilot came on the intercom prior to our departure and shared that the real reason for the delay was that forty wheel-chair bound military veterans got on the flight in Chicago. And because of their wheel chairs (both electric and manual); each person needed approximately five minutes to board and then another five minutes or so to de=plane after they arrived at their destination.
The pilot went on to say that these military veterans were going to a celebration of appreciation honoring their service to our country. Most everyone on board the plane began to clap at hearing the reason for the delay. The pilot went on to thank his crew, apologize for the delay and state that his goal was to get us to our destination both safely and as quickly as possible.
It's now Monday morning. I'm up after about four hours sleep. I'm hoping to fall asleep in a few hours and rest for an additional two hours or so... I need it. But I'm moved when I think of the events last night. And I believe one of the lessons in it may be this... It's not about me.
Other things were at work, behind the scenes that I had no knowledge of. I'm reminded of Blackaby's words in his now classic discipleship workbook titled: Experiencing God. He communicates the fact that God is at work behind the scenes.
Even when I'm looking, I don't see it all. But our God has an eye that never slumbers or sleeps. He knew what was going on the whole time. And He brought me back home to Phoenix safe and sound. I peeked in on my oldest daughter sleep in her room, I saw my youngest daughter asleep in the bed, and my wife met me at the door when I arrived.
It's all good ... because it's all about God.
Sherman J. Fort
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It's Wednesday afternoon, I've just returned (early I might add); from the 14th Annual E. K. Bailey Conference on Expository Preaching. This annual event, held at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Dallas and hosted this year by Rev. Bryan L. Carter and the Concord Missionary Baptist Church was great.
Like many of my preaching buddies, I've attended a variety of preaching conferences over the years, but let the record reflect this conference rings with a note of excellence.
From the venue, to the booths and most importantly the preachers and teachers... it was all just great.
If you're looking for one conference you can attend that will have a variety of solid, strong and stable gospel preachers, let me recommend this conference to you.
Speakers and teachers this year included: Dr. Joel C. Gregory, Rev. H. B. Charles, Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr., Rev. Bryan L. Carter, Dr. James Massey, Rev. Tellis Chatman, Rev. Maurice Watson, Dr. Arturo Azurdia and Dr. Ralph D. West to name a few.
In addition to good preaching and provocative teaching, the E. K. Bailey Conference on Expository Preaching also offers a "track system"; whereby the attendee can have the classes they take tracked over a course of years and then receive a certificate once they've completed a particular number of classes.
All that said, the best part of the conference may not be the preaching and teaching. Equally important and precious is the time in fellowship, and the creation of new friendships that seem to take place at this conference.
If you're interested in CD's or DVD's from the conference you can obtain them via E. K. Bailey Ministries. Check them out online.
Finally, if you're a wonderful sister in CHRIST, the S.T.A.N.D. Conference, hosted by Dr. Sheila Bailey (the widow of Dr. E. K. Bailey); takes place simultaneously with the preaching conference. So ladies, you can go too.
Here's my online shout out to the leadership team at E. K. Bailey Ministries. Thank you for hosting a great conference, at a quality hotel, with good preachers and teachers.
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
It's Wednesday afternoon, I've just returned (early I might add); from the 14th Annual E. K. Bailey Conference on Expository Preaching. This annual event, held at the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Dallas and hosted this year by Rev. Bryan L. Carter and the Concord Missionary Baptist Church was great.
Like many of my preaching buddies, I've attended a variety of preaching conferences over the years, but let the record reflect this conference rings with a note of excellence.
From the venue, to the booths and most importantly the preachers and teachers... it was all just great.
If you're looking for one conference you can attend that will have a variety of solid, strong and stable gospel preachers, let me recommend this conference to you.
Speakers and teachers this year included: Dr. Joel C. Gregory, Rev. H. B. Charles, Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr., Rev. Bryan L. Carter, Dr. James Massey, Rev. Tellis Chatman, Rev. Maurice Watson, Dr. Arturo Azurdia and Dr. Ralph D. West to name a few.
In addition to good preaching and provocative teaching, the E. K. Bailey Conference on Expository Preaching also offers a "track system"; whereby the attendee can have the classes they take tracked over a course of years and then receive a certificate once they've completed a particular number of classes.
All that said, the best part of the conference may not be the preaching and teaching. Equally important and precious is the time in fellowship, and the creation of new friendships that seem to take place at this conference.
If you're interested in CD's or DVD's from the conference you can obtain them via E. K. Bailey Ministries. Check them out online.
Finally, if you're a wonderful sister in CHRIST, the S.T.A.N.D. Conference, hosted by Dr. Sheila Bailey (the widow of Dr. E. K. Bailey); takes place simultaneously with the preaching conference. So ladies, you can go too.
Here's my online shout out to the leadership team at E. K. Bailey Ministries. Thank you for hosting a great conference, at a quality hotel, with good preachers and teachers.
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
Saturday, July 4, 2009
HOPE Ministries is scheduled to host a wonderful event we're calling the 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT, October 22nd through October 24th of this year.
I realize that if you're a pastor who has provided your name or that of your church to the U.S. Post Office, the world wide web, or any number of like services- you receive information on countless conferences on a regular basis.
It is instead a special time for Growing, Learning and Sharing specifically designed for Senior Pastors. And here's the crazy part... THERE WILL BE NO PREACHING! NO LECTURING! Not even a lecturn, so none of those in attendance will feel the urge to preach.
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT is something I've desired to do for some time in an effort to have some real conversation with other pastors.
It is a time when we can come together and be revived, refreshed, renewed and yes just relax with other like-minded pastors who take ministry seriously. A time to meet with other Christian men who recognize the fact that they need to "get away".
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT will take place at the beautiful Wildhorse Pass Resort in south Chandler Arizona. I'm encouraging EVERY pastor, that GOD gives clearance to- to come. It is an ALL-INCLUSIVE Summit. Meaning that once you pay the $709.00; your room, meals and packet are all included!
While my hope is that all pastors in attendance will get a room at the Resort, for those pastors who live in Arizona and don't wish to stay at the Resort, they can register for the SUMMIT ONLY. The cost for this is only $189.00 per person and includes all meals.
Now, if you just balked at that price then you haven't really looked at or attended any pastor or preaching conference lately. There are notable preaching and pastors conferences in Texas, California, Tennessee, etc. who have a registration fee alone that exceed $300.00. THERE REGISTRATION FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE YOUR ROOM OR YOUR MEALS!
The idea for this kind of setting came to me some time ago. Then was modeled for me by my Pastor and friend Dr. Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Redwood City California. While serving as President of the California State Baptist Convention Pastor Campbell hosted a Pastor's Summit and it was wonderful.
I'm praying that we will have a small group of Pastors who will come and share together. In truth, I don't want a very large group of Pastors, as one of the things I'm hoping to have is a sense of intimacy that only comes with small groups.
In addition to Pastor Fred Campbell our other guest facilitator/conversation leader will be the inimitable Dr. Charles E. Booth, of Columbus Ohio.
For more information on the 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT check out the HOPE Ministries website at:
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
I realize that if you're a pastor who has provided your name or that of your church to the U.S. Post Office, the world wide web, or any number of like services- you receive information on countless conferences on a regular basis.
It is instead a special time for Growing, Learning and Sharing specifically designed for Senior Pastors. And here's the crazy part... THERE WILL BE NO PREACHING! NO LECTURING! Not even a lecturn, so none of those in attendance will feel the urge to preach.
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT is something I've desired to do for some time in an effort to have some real conversation with other pastors.
It is a time when we can come together and be revived, refreshed, renewed and yes just relax with other like-minded pastors who take ministry seriously. A time to meet with other Christian men who recognize the fact that they need to "get away".
The 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT will take place at the beautiful Wildhorse Pass Resort in south Chandler Arizona. I'm encouraging EVERY pastor, that GOD gives clearance to- to come. It is an ALL-INCLUSIVE Summit. Meaning that once you pay the $709.00; your room, meals and packet are all included!
While my hope is that all pastors in attendance will get a room at the Resort, for those pastors who live in Arizona and don't wish to stay at the Resort, they can register for the SUMMIT ONLY. The cost for this is only $189.00 per person and includes all meals.
Now, if you just balked at that price then you haven't really looked at or attended any pastor or preaching conference lately. There are notable preaching and pastors conferences in Texas, California, Tennessee, etc. who have a registration fee alone that exceed $300.00. THERE REGISTRATION FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE YOUR ROOM OR YOUR MEALS!
The idea for this kind of setting came to me some time ago. Then was modeled for me by my Pastor and friend Dr. Fred Campbell, pastor of the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Redwood City California. While serving as President of the California State Baptist Convention Pastor Campbell hosted a Pastor's Summit and it was wonderful.
I'm praying that we will have a small group of Pastors who will come and share together. In truth, I don't want a very large group of Pastors, as one of the things I'm hoping to have is a sense of intimacy that only comes with small groups.
In addition to Pastor Fred Campbell our other guest facilitator/conversation leader will be the inimitable Dr. Charles E. Booth, of Columbus Ohio.
For more information on the 2009 PASTOR'S SUMMIT check out the HOPE Ministries website at:
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
JESUS said, "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me".
It's been a while since I've written anything on my blog. In fact, it's been so long that I forgot my password and had to log on to "blogspot" and apply for a new password. Needless to say I received it and I'm writing now.
Since my last blog so much has happened. In the last several days we've watched and witnessed things in our world that have many people on edge. There's the arrest and subsequent sentencing of Lee and Ling in North Korea. There's the bombing and what I call "fist pumping" of North Korea to the rest of the world and the "west" in particular. There's the shameful and sinful behavior connected to the so called "election" by the people of the same old leader in Iraq- followed by the beating and bludgeoning of Iraqi citizens who were bold enough to step up and speak out in protest of this scam.
Most recently we've heard of the death of hollywood personalities, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays; NFL quarterback and 3 time Pro-Bowler, Mr. Steve McNair; and of course the death of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
In Scripture we learn that GOD loves us "ALL THE SAME". However, in this life, if you're Michael Jackson the news and fanfare surrounding your death can ECLIPSE the news surrounding the deaths of other famous people.
Have you asked The LORD like have: "LORD, what are you saying to your people?" "LORD, what lesson(s) do you want your people to learn from all of this?"
I believe that one of the things our GOD would remind all of us of during these days of turmoil, testing and trial is that Triumph only comes through HIM!
I'm writing this on "Independence Day"... July 4th, 2009. But I want to emphasize to all of us who are Christians, followers of The CHRIST, that our independence did not take place when President Abraham Lincoln put pen to paper. It did not take place when Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered on a motel balcony. Equality was not won when Rev. Jesse L. Jackson ran for president of the United States, or when Mr. Barack H. Obama won the position of President of the United States just a few short months ago.
No! Our emancipation, crazy as it sounds is connected to our heart's incarceration by The HOLY SPIRIT when we accepted JESUS CHRIST as our personal LORD and Savior. Our Independence Day is really a day of IN-DEPENDENCE- that is to say we as individuals, towns, cities, states, nations and even the world can accomplish nothing until we bow our knees to The KING OF Kings and LORD OF lords... JESUS CHRIST.
We must recognize our INNER-DEPENDENCE on Him for anything and everything we need, anything and everything we are... each and every second of each and every day.
Real freedom is found in "leaning and DEPENDING" on JESUS CHRIST.
All hail the power of JESUS' name! Let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem and crown HIM! CROWN HIM! CROWN HIM ... LORD OF ALL!
"I came to JESUS just as I was, weary, worn and sad- I found IN HIM a resting place and He has made me glad!
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
It's been a while since I've written anything on my blog. In fact, it's been so long that I forgot my password and had to log on to "blogspot" and apply for a new password. Needless to say I received it and I'm writing now.
Since my last blog so much has happened. In the last several days we've watched and witnessed things in our world that have many people on edge. There's the arrest and subsequent sentencing of Lee and Ling in North Korea. There's the bombing and what I call "fist pumping" of North Korea to the rest of the world and the "west" in particular. There's the shameful and sinful behavior connected to the so called "election" by the people of the same old leader in Iraq- followed by the beating and bludgeoning of Iraqi citizens who were bold enough to step up and speak out in protest of this scam.
Most recently we've heard of the death of hollywood personalities, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays; NFL quarterback and 3 time Pro-Bowler, Mr. Steve McNair; and of course the death of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
In Scripture we learn that GOD loves us "ALL THE SAME". However, in this life, if you're Michael Jackson the news and fanfare surrounding your death can ECLIPSE the news surrounding the deaths of other famous people.
Have you asked The LORD like have: "LORD, what are you saying to your people?" "LORD, what lesson(s) do you want your people to learn from all of this?"
I believe that one of the things our GOD would remind all of us of during these days of turmoil, testing and trial is that Triumph only comes through HIM!
I'm writing this on "Independence Day"... July 4th, 2009. But I want to emphasize to all of us who are Christians, followers of The CHRIST, that our independence did not take place when President Abraham Lincoln put pen to paper. It did not take place when Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered on a motel balcony. Equality was not won when Rev. Jesse L. Jackson ran for president of the United States, or when Mr. Barack H. Obama won the position of President of the United States just a few short months ago.
No! Our emancipation, crazy as it sounds is connected to our heart's incarceration by The HOLY SPIRIT when we accepted JESUS CHRIST as our personal LORD and Savior. Our Independence Day is really a day of IN-DEPENDENCE- that is to say we as individuals, towns, cities, states, nations and even the world can accomplish nothing until we bow our knees to The KING OF Kings and LORD OF lords... JESUS CHRIST.
We must recognize our INNER-DEPENDENCE on Him for anything and everything we need, anything and everything we are... each and every second of each and every day.
Real freedom is found in "leaning and DEPENDING" on JESUS CHRIST.
All hail the power of JESUS' name! Let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem and crown HIM! CROWN HIM! CROWN HIM ... LORD OF ALL!
"I came to JESUS just as I was, weary, worn and sad- I found IN HIM a resting place and He has made me glad!
Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort
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