Friday, December 31, 2010

HOLY CONVOCATION (30 1/2 Days of Prayer & Fasting)

Tomorrow, January 1st marks the date that Holy Convocation (30 1/2 Days of Prayer & Fasting begin at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church.

A note to the CMBC family. Remember that Pastor Fort has amended the initial fast of exclusively water, fruit and vegetables. Kosher fish was also included.

I have amended that initial list of foods to include chicken and wheat/whole wheat foods. However the chicken is not to be fried. No soda pop, no white pasta or breads.

That said, I hope to blog about my personal diet from day to day.

With respect to tomorrow know that I intend to eat the following:

Breakfast: apple and banana.
Lunch and dinner: brown rice, a mix of red, green and yellow peppers and broccoli.
Water to drink.

C.M.B.C. family remember to complete your "fasting contract". Remember, in addition to your personal reasons for fasting we are praying and fasting as a church family for the Spiritual, physical and financial health and healing of our church family, Christians around the world and the world at large.

Finally, also remember that our prayer commitment to pray every morning, at 12:00PM (no matter where you are); and again in the evening.

Let's pray for one another.

Happy New Years Eve.

safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort

Friday, December 24, 2010


Early this past Tuesday morning. Around 4:00AM I left Chandler Arizona bound for Ceres California.

My drive to the Bay Area was directly connected to the recent transition of my Aunt Joyce Nelson (Fort); from earth to heaven. It was also connected to the fact that I wanted to see my Aunt Kay Lee (Fort); my Aunt Elma Fort and my sister Arnita Echoes (Fort).

I arrived in Ceres California around 3:30PM. I visited with my Aunt and some cousins for about 30 minutes. I then drove to East Palo Alto California to see my Aunt Kay. I visited with Aunt Kay, Uncle Bobby, Cousin Jackie and others for about 30 minutes. I then drove to my sister Arnita's house near downtown San Jose California. I visited for a few minutes with Arnita and her husband Steven Echoes.

Then I went to sleep in their spare bedroom for about 3 and one half hours. I got up around 2:00AM California time (3:00AM Arizona time) and went to the gas station. I left the gas station about 3:32AM bound for Chandler Arizona.

I arrived in Arizona shortly after 3:00PM.

Brothers and Sisters, I made a vow to The LORD several years ago not to ever drive from San Jose California to Los Angeles California again. My reason for that declaration years ago was the fear and danger of driving through the "Grapevine" in fog so dense that I could not see the front of the car.

Well, I must confess that I broke that promise years ago. In fact, I've driven back and forth from Arizona to the Bay Area a number of times since then.

That said, let the record reflect that I revived my previous commitment to not drive to California again... period.

I cannot tell you how terrifying it was driving from the Bay back to Arizona. Perhaps you heard about the terrible rain, flooding, mud slides and the like from southern California through western Arizona? If not, let me tell you it was bad!

The rain seemed relentless, the wind was strong, the fog was present. To top all of that off the windshield wiper on the driver side of the car caused problems too. Instead of wiping the window clean it smeared the rain water across the window causing bigger problems with viewing the situation outside.

I prayed to The LORD and asked for His guidance, grace, mercy, love and favor the whole way. Quite literally I thought I was going to crash perhaps even die a number of times. But The LORD is faithful. I said to my sister "God still takes care of babies and fools". I was a fool for taking that trip, and continuing on despite the weather.

So in essence I'm writing this blog to encourage everyone to exercise Common Sense. I didn't do that. To make wise decisions... I didn't do that. To pull your car over when inclement weather is the order of the day... I didn't do that. To spend time with The LORD when you don't want anything... perhaps this will influence His blessing and keeping you- when you do want some things.

On a closing note, my Aunt Joyce Fort as I said earlier passed away two weeks ago this past Thursday. My Aunt Elma has been diagnosed with bone cancer. My Aunt Kay, Aunt Joyce and Aunt Elma were "runnin' buddies. Please pray for God's will to be done with my Aunt Elma and her cancer diagnosis. Ask The LORD to heal her completely... if that's His will. Ask The LORD to speak peace to my Aunt Kay and my Aunt Elma with the lost of their sister. I have another aunt, Aunt Zelma who still lives in Texas. Pray for her too.

Heck, just pray for my whole family.

Now then have a holy, healthy and happy CHRISTmas Eve and CHRISTmas Day. If you're a member of Canaan, or if you're looking for a CHRISTmas morning worship service, let me invite you to join us in our annual CHRISTmas morning worship service from 8:00AM until 9:00AM at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church. Visit us online at: WWW.MYCMBC.ORG for more information. Or just stop by CMBC 931 South Stapley Drive Mesa Arizona 85204.

I call this blog "... THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!" not because of the CHRISTmas holy-day- but because I am trully full of wonder at how and why our GOD does what He does. Indeed He loves us one and all. Indeed His grace is sufficient.

Safe in the arms of JESUS CHRIST my SAVIOR and LORD,
Sherman J. Fort, Servant of JESUS CHRIST

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


GOD is better than great... period!

To GOD be all glory, honor and praise... THANK YOU JESUS for keeping during my drive from San Jose California back to Arizona.

pastor fort

Monday, December 13, 2010


To God be all glory, honor and praise!

Yesterday, Sunday, December 12, 2010 the Canaan Missionary Baptist Church celebrated our 21st Church Anniversary.

Our special guest preachers for both services was the inimitable Rev. Terry Marks, Senior Minister/Pastor of Greater Bethel A.M.E. Church in Phoenix Arizona.

My, my, my- what a Gospel Preacher! Rev. Marks is a former member of CMBC. He served as a trustee during some of his years at Canaan in addition to working in other capacities. But more important than his work as a trustee is the fact that he is a trusted, personal friend of mine.

I marvel at what I see our great God doing in the life and ministry of Rev. Marks. The sermon he preached yesterday was titled: "Built Up to Hold Up!". His text was the classic passage found in Matthew 16:13 and following. Thank you preacher for your ministry in The WORD of God.

Special thanks to members of his praise team too who accompanied their pastor to CMBC. They ministered in song and we were blessed by their singing.

An extra special thanks to the charter members of CMBC who joined us in worship yesterday. To Sis. Joyce Boyd and all those on her committee... Thank you too!

May our God bless and keep you.

Safe in CHRIST,
pastor fort

Monday, November 8, 2010


This past Sunday I had the blessed opportunity to preach at the famed Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles California, Rev. E. V. Hill II, pastor.

This opportunity came about because Pastor Welton Pleasant II, invited Sis. Fort and I to participate in Marriage Conference 2010 held at his church. Consequently my friend and brother, Rev. E.V. Hill II, pastor of Mount Zion M.B.C., Los Angeles California heard about my coming to Los Angeles and extended an invitation to preach at "Zion".

Pastor E.V. Hill II, and I have known each other for some time. In fact, I've had him scheduled to preach at Canaan at least twice in the last several months. Neither one of those invitations came to pass. However, if The LORD see's fit, Pastor HIll will be with us in January of 2011.

That said, let me declare to one and all that "Zion" has it going on! What do I mean by that? Well consider that the last time I was at Zion it was the Memorial Service for the late Dr. E. V. Hill I. The service took place on a Friday night and the place of course was jam packed.

When I went to Zion this past Sunday it was my first time seeing the new facility since the fire. In a word it is AWESOME! It's beautiful! The sanctuary says "worship". So many sanctuary's don't communicate that today. It's modern. I mean the technology is there (cameras, screens and all); but if you're not looking for it you may miss some of it. The camera's and all are "under-stated". They are not obtrusive. The wood in the church works. I've seen so many churches with wood that are dark and maybe even foreboding. Not so here. The wood is warm and light. The key color is the same ... green. But now the green seems to me to be a richer, dark, emerald green. Last but not least let me say something about the sound system! Great!

In addition to all of this the Praise Team ... yes I said Praise Team at "Zion" was outstanding. The choir ... magnificent. And Pastor Hill of course was gracious to a fault. A ridiculously charismatic, sharp and always well groomed brother ... I thank The LORD for the kindness showed to me by Rev. E.V. Hill II.

If you live in South Los Angeles, do yourself a favor and visit Mt. Zion M.B.C. if The LORD leads you so to do.

safe in CHRIST,
pastor fort


It's not often that I have the blessed opportunity to receive an invitation that involves both my wife and I working in ministry together. However, that's exactly what happened this past weekend.

My friend and brother, Rev. Welton Pleasant II, pastor of Christ Second Baptist Church in Long Beach California- invited Angela and I to participate in their Marriage Conference 2010.

This blog is being written to say a big THANK YOU to the pastor and people of Christ Second Baptist Church. Sis. Fort and I had a wonderful time sharing in ministry together. The Conference was wonderful. The Couple's Ministry Leaders, Deacon and Sis. Brown were very kind. The people of Christ Second Baptist Church were gracious to a fault.

All that said, what I enjoyed over the course of the Conference may very well have been the "refreshing" voice(s) of both Sis. Angela Fort and Sis. Teresa Pleasant (daughter of Dr. Fred Campbell, pastor, Mt. Zion M.B.C., Redwood City, CA.).

Angela and Teresa joined Pastor Pleasant and I in facilitating our respective Sessions. Wow! How very refreshing it was for me to hear them. Their voice, their perspective and the way they communicated the things they shared was wonderful to watch and witness. I thank our God for blessing us with gifted wives.

In addition to participating in the Marriage Conference, Pastor Pleasant also afforded me the privilege of preaching at the church this past Sunday morning. My, my, my ... what an experience!

Pastor Pleasant and I have been friends for some years now. I knew him when he served as Pastor of South Los Angeles Baptist Church in Los Angeles California. And what a great church South Los Angeles was. However, let the record reflect that our God has blessed Pastor Pleasant at Christ Second Baptist Church.

The worship was wonderful, the campus is great. The staff (from the Church Administrator to the young ladies working the Video ministry piece on both Saturday and Sunday); were all gracious and kind.

Most certainly I struggled some in preaching last Sunday morning, but still the people were gracious. I pray that they received what The LORD wanted to them to hear this past Sunday. I pray this is true more than I pray that they "enjoyed" the sermon; or that I'm ever invited back.

Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST for this opportunity. Thank you Pastor Pleasant for the invitation.

Safe in CHRIST,
pastor sherman j. fort

Saturday, October 30, 2010


GOD is better than great ... period!

I am sitting in the back of the sanctuary at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church. I am watching Pastor Tommy Reynolds perform the first baptisms for the church The Lord blessed him to begin.

This inaugural baptism service is a real blessing. I believe Pastor Reynolds has baptized a total of 11 people tonight. WOW! What a blessing. In a day when some churches that have been around for years are not baptizing at all ... or very little, Pastor Reynolds is baptizing 11 people to the glory and honor of God most high!

Go 'head Pastor Reynolds and THE NEW BEGINNING'S FELLOWSHIP!

This is an awesome church and awesome pastor and Co-Pastor, the Rev. Nancy Reynolds.

Pray for them.

safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort

Monday, October 25, 2010


To God be the glory for the things He has done, is doing and shall yet perform.

I first heard the gifted preacher (yes I said preacher); and teacher, Deacon Harold L. Simmons while participating in a Conference hosted by the Laymen's Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc. a few years ago.

I was so moved by the fact that Deacon Simmons responded to questions thrown at him during a class he taught (I sat in the class); with answers from The Bible that I was committed then to ask him to come and share with the men of CMBC.

Some time later I heard Deacon Simmons (who serves as President of the Laymen's auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention USA Inc.) share from The Word of God again.

I asked him to come and share with the men of CMBC during what I termed "The V Conference" (Men of Vision, Valor and Victory).

He came and shared with us this past weekend. He provided leadership to our Rap Session on Friday, our Conference on Saturday and preached The Word of God twice on Sunday.

WOW! WHAT A PREACHER! (Yes ... I said preacher). He was Biblically, sound, encouraging, helpful, and he accurately handled "The Word of Truth".

Thank you Lord for this man of God.

safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST


Recently I had the opportunity to preach for my friend and brother Dr. Emil Thomas, pastor of Destiny Church in Baltimore Maryland.

WOW! What an experience. Pastor Thomas and Destiny Church are not only extremely generous in the way they me (and the two additional guests from our church who went with me); ... they went beyond the call of duty in terms of their generosity and kindness.

In addition to providing me with beautiful accommodations, an in room basket, etc., Pastor thomas showed me a great time by just hanging out with me for a while.

Pastor Thomas and Destiny Church are loved by this minister and the CMBC family. I am grateful to our God for the friendship we share.

Finally, know that the name "Destiny" church is befitting this pastor and people. I believe they're serving The right GOD. They are being preached to from The right book ... The Bible- consequently they are growing in The LORD. The people who walked the aisle the Sunday I was there (people who have apparently been coming for some time); are evidence that the word is out that Destiny church is destined for greatness as long as they keep their eyes on The LORD.

Thank you Pastor Thomas for the opportunity to come and share God's Word at your warm and wonderful church.

May The LORD continue to bless and keep all of you.

safe in CHRIST,
sherman j. fort, servant of JESUS CHRIST

Friday, October 8, 2010


It's 10:26pm Arizona time and 1:26am here in Baltimore Maryland. I am so honored to be here. My friend and brother, Dr. Emil Thomas has given me the opportunity to come back to the east coast and preach at the great Destiny Church where Emil serves as pastor.

The ocassion for this Sundays service at Destiny Church is the Men's Annual Day. Pray with and for me that our God will use me for His glory and our good.

In addition to my being here, I am also thrilled to have Bro. Robert Nettles Jr. and Sis. Gail Nettles from Canaan Church here with me. Bro. Nettles serves as a musician at CMBC and has come to represent the men of CMBC in song. Sis. Nettles has come at my invitation and of course more importantly to accompany her husband. That said, let me testify to the goodness and grace of our God when I say that Bro. Nettles' uncle passed away days after we made our reservations to come to the east coast. We had no idea his Uncle was going to go home to be with The Lord when the reservations were made. His Uncle lived in North Carolina. The home-going service for his Uncle is tomorrow. Bro. and Sis. Nettles would likely not have been on the east coast and therefore not able to make the funeral had we not already made arrangements to be here. Indeed God is good. The Lord knew that Bro. Nettles' Uncle was going to die and that the funeral service would be the same weekend we were already scheduled to be here.

Both Robert and Gail are on their way to Greensboro, N.C. now. Pray for their traveling grace and mercy. Pray that the funeral service is just what The Lord wants it to be. Now then, also remember to keep Deacon Robert Nettles Sr. (Robert Jr's father and brother of the deceased) and family in prayer. He arrived in N.C. yesterday.

Even after midnight there is something exciting about being here on the east coast.

Thank you Jesus for this blessed opportunity. Use me for your glory and our good.


Sherman J. Fort

Thursday, September 30, 2010


There is a deficit in our world when it comes to "Gospel" preaching.

That said, let me declare my thanks to our God for the fact that we still have a few preachers who have not bowed the knee to popularity and dare to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I've been honored to hear a few of those preachers lately. They include the Rev. Jerry Carter of Morristown New Jersey, the Rev. Emil Thomas of Baltimore Maryland, the Rev. Marvin Wiley of Maywood Illinois and the Rev. Fred Campbell of Redwood City California.

Thank you Lord for gospel preachers.

sherman fort

"... I know the PLANS I have for you ..."

"For I know the plans I have for you, decleares The LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". -Proverbs 29:11

This popular and powerful passage of Scripture speaks in a different way to me than it has in times past.

In recent weeks I've been too busy. My mind has been occupied with a number of things ... all centered around family and ministry matters. To that end, I made a crucial mistake and completely forgot about a commitment I made to be the guest preacher at a sister church. I realized my mistake only after reading an email I received from a member of the church asking where I was?

You can imagine how bad I felt. How embarrassed I was. I immediately responded with apologies, gifts and a personal trip to the church. Nevertheless none of that takes away from the fact that I made a major mistake. In a real sense you could say that I failed to plan correctly.

The LORD God has a plan for each and every one of us. I desire to make my life line up with His plan for me. I'm convinced that I've made decisions apart from His counsel and His plan for my life. I am not saying that I missed my appointment because it was not part of God's plan for my life. What I am saying is that I need to- and have begun taking a step back to re-assess my plans. Making sure they line up with His plan for me.

It is true when we fail to plan, we plan to fail.

I don't want to fail in my planning to follow The LORD's plan for my life.

sherman fort

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Recently I've had several opportunities to hear some really great preaching!

Pastor Fredrick L. Fairley Sr. recently hosted what he calls the S.T.P. Bible conference at his church, Berean Church in Phoenix Arizona.

The special guest preachers and facilitators were Rev., Dr. Warren H. Stewart Sr., from Phoenix, AZ.; Rev., Dr. Jerry Carter from Morristown New Jersey; Rev., Dr. Emil M. Thomas, from Washington, D.C.; and Rev. Welton Pleasant from Long Beach, CA. Host Pastor Fairley also preached over the weekend and I was blessed to teach a session on Bible Interpretation.

The preaching and teaching over the weekend were wonderful. While Dr. Emil Thomas has preached at Canaan several times, his preaching this weekend once again was refreshing and challenging. He preached a sermon titled: Dig A Ditch! My, my, my. I was really challenged on a personal level to "dig a ditch"... that is make an investment, deposit and plan for my blessing in The LORD. Thank you Pastor Thomas

Due to a meeting I had at Canaan on Saturday, I was unable to stay and hear Pastor Jerry Carter. However, I heard The Lord used him in great ways as well. He is a well known preacher and teacher of The Gospel.

It goest without saying that Dr. Stewart, Pastor Welton Pleasant and Pastor Fredrick Fairley all came prepared and ready to share as well.

Thank you Jesus for Gospel preachers and teachers.

pastor fort

It's Been A Minute Since My Last Post... I'm Still Grateful To God!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
-Genesis 1:26-28

This Scripture is but one of many Bible verses that speak to and about marriage. Even though it is becoming increasingly popular to live together without the benefit and blessing of marriage, The Word of God is clear... marriage is God's doing.

Please join me in prayer for the couple's of Canaan Missionary Baptist Church who are participating in this years Marriage Retreat. We will be at the beautiful Prescott Resort in Prescott Arizona. Various couples from our church will be leading our discussions on a variety topics that are relevant to Christian marriage.

My prayer for Christian couples everywhere is that we will honor God by living out what His Word teaches us about marriage. I pray that our witness will be both verbal and non-verbal. That we will witness with our walk as well as our talk. I pray that Christian couples would encourage one another, ... "hang out" with one another and learn to love, serve and sacrifice as Jesus Christ does.

Pray for our safe passage to and from Prescott Arizona. Pray for the leaders of our Couple's Ministry, Bro. Daryl and Sis. Jennifer Dorsey. They've worked hard to plan a memorable time for us all with Jesus Christ at the center of our weekend.

Pastor Fort

Monday, August 2, 2010

Preaching In Tucson Arizona - Calling A Pastor

On Sunday, August 22, 2010 I was blessed with the wonderful opportunity to preach at Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Tucson Arizona. I've been honored to preach at this a number of times over the past several years. The congregation is sincere and the people are special.

The church does not have a pastor right now. In fact, November 2009 marked the completion of their first year without a pastor. For those of you who are believers in Jesus Christ please pray with and for the Mount Calvary B.C. family that they will soon have the pastor that GOD has chosen for them.

That said, I am convinced that many of our churches, baptist church in particular do not use a Biblical model in "calling" a pastor. I've been brooding over this for some now. Most recently I've had several conversations with my pastor and another preacher friend who I respect about the matter.

We seem to forget that the church is a THEOcracy. Not a democracy. That is to say the church is GOD-driven and GOD governed. I fear that sometime we mess up what God has planned by entering into a democratic, secular driven process to call a pastor.

We certainly will do well with focusing more on prayer and seeking God's direction where this matter is concerned.

Mount Calvary B.C., in Tucson Arizona is a church that has nothing but an "Up" side as far as I can tell. I am praying with and for them that The GOD's will is done there. I commend them on having several pastors to come and declare The Word of God to them. I was honored to be in that number this time around.

Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort

Thursday, July 22, 2010


My first week back in the pulpit at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church was good. We had five people come forward to join the church at the second service. For all that The LORD did I am grateful and glad.

My first week back in the church has proven good as well. In addition to going into the church office this week I also held two Vision Casting meeting's as it were with the CMBC family. I conducted the Vision Casting meetings at our regularly scheduled Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoon Bible Study hour(s).

I had much to share including the idea of going to a third Sunday morning worship service. While I thought I'd made up my mind on moving forward with the matter, following my time with the Wednesday afternoon group and of course time in prayer and other times of consultation I've decided to shelve this idea for the time being.

THere are times in life when we need to put certain moves on "pause". When we need to take a second look at a situation. I'm reminded of a story I heard concerning a preacher who I admire much... Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer, pastor of the Faithful Central Bible Church in Los Angeles California. It is said that after Bishop Ulmer had made up his mind to join the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship some years ago; and after spending considerable time teaching the FCBC family, from The Word of God with respect to his decision- he took the matter to a vote. That is to say he desired to have 100% of the people vote in favor of the move. I'm told that just a few people voted in the negative. I'm told that Bishop Ulmer then decided to sideline the move and spent another six months or so teaching his congregatioin. He then revisited the vote and subsequently joined the FBF.

Now, I don't have it on record from Bishop Ulmer that this actually happened this way. And we all know how stories can start and then grow. That said, the principle of patience can be seen in the story.

For the time being I'm going to "delay that order" to go to a third service. For the time being I'm going to put my hands back down... because I don't have a "sure" conviction about this move just yet.

How about you? What have you been contemplating with respect to your relationship with The Lord lately? I mean what move(s) have been in your heart to make? Whatever they are start with God, stay with God, end with God. Then go ahead... RAISE YOUR HANDS!... if you're sure.

Pray for me. Ask The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to do in me what He desires. Ask The LORD to take control of my mind, mouth, body, soul and spirit.

Pastor Fort

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LIFE AFTER DIVORCE ... Caleb's Apartment

Life After Divorce
(Caleb's Apartment)

Presented THIS FRIDAY, July 23rd @ 7:30PM; and THIS SATURDAY, July 24th @ 7:30PM at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, 931 South Stapley Drive, Mesa Arizona.

IT'S FREE! However, please note that the subject is for adults. Make plans now to come out and bring a friend, a family member, a date, a co-worker.

Call the church office at: 480.825.6320 with any questions. Or visit: for more information.

safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort

Monday, July 19, 2010


To God be the glory!

Yesterday, Sunday, July 18, 2010 was my first Sunday back at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church. It was my first time back in the Canaan pulpit. Without question the day was one I looked forward to with great anticipation. The LORD allowed me to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In addition to preaching I also spent time with those in the adult Sunday School class as well. We were blessed to see some persons come forward for membership during the invitation hour at the 10:20AM service. I was happy as well to host some guests and new members in my office following the 10:20AM service for a time of fellowship and prayer.

I want to thank The LORD JESUS CHRIST for His love, mercy and grace toward me. While I was happy and honored to preach at the great Peaceful Rest Baptist Church in Aurora Colorado just one week ago, indeed there is "no place like home".

Thank you Canaan for a warm welcome back home.

Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman Fort

Friday, July 16, 2010

Recovery Is Going Great ... By The Grace of God!

Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above- in wisdom, power and love our God is an awesome God.

My car accident was on Friday, June 11th, 2010. Today's date is July 16th and I feel so good that it's easy to forget just how bad of shape I was in before. Indeed I still have discomfort. In fact, my humerus bone is still broken (although it seems to be getting better with each day); and I'm still waiting for an MRI to determine any ligament damage.

Still our God is awesome. I feel so much better today than I have since the accident ... it's almost unbelievable. And I owe it all to The LORD! Three days this week I've made it a point to get into the swimming pool and exercise. Wow! What a difference it's made. It's really something how I can move my arm in the water and have more "range of motion"; while feeling little or no pain.

Each time I get in the pool I think of one of the Mother's of the church who formerly shared with me the benefit and blessing of water aerobics.

It's Friday and Sunday's coming. I just finished thinking through the sermon I hope to preach on Sunday. I'm excited it will be my first Sunday back at CMBC in more than a month.

Now may our God continue to bless and keep you is my prayer.

S. J. Fort

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thank You Sis. LaDonna Cox

One of the things I desire to do as pastor of The Lord's people at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, is to utilize technology for the glory and honor of God.

That said, I am grateful first and foremost to The Lord Jesus Christ for His love, mercy and grace. I'm grateful to my sister Candice Fort, owner and operator of FortSupport a website design, website management and branding company. I've mentioned my sister Candice in previous blogs.

Today I am also particularly appreciative of Sis. LaDonna Cox. Sis. Cox is a gifted young lady who is also a friend of many years here in the valley of sun. A few years ago Sis. Cox released her own gospel CD. I believe she's also appeared on some local, regional and national Christian television broadcasts; and without question she's spent some time singing at various church events.

Fortunately for myself and the CMBC family, Sis. Cox was a visitor at Canaan when my twin sister, Shermaine N. Fort came to speak. The short story is that I asked her to come up and sing. After the service I mentioned how I'd like to have our own CMBC Theme Song. I've seen similar "church theme songs" connected to other churches and had the thought in mind for some time.

Sis. Cox heard of my desire and reportedly in just a few minutes, without my asking her personally wrote a theme song for our Church. She then recorded it. It is now on our website.

You can check out our new church theme song by visiting our website at:

I wanted a theme song that spoke to our ministry theme which is: "One Voice, One Vision, One Victory". I also seek to have an emphasis on family. Sis. Cox captured both of these themes in the song she wrote. This was all done without Sis. Cox even speaking to me about it. When I asked her about it, she said she noticed our banner in the sanctuary that has our ministry theme on it. She shared further that she knows me. She gave glory to The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the writing of the song.

In case you're interested I'll provide the lyrics to the song below.

The lyrics to the song are as follows:

WE ARE ...
CMBC Embracing Family

We Are Growing, Moving, Showing and Proving That We Have What It Takes To Succeed.
One Voice, One Vision, One Victory,
Pressing Beyond Our Adversity (Ooh)
We Are Stretching, Running, Reaching Our Goals,
We Are Strong And So We Press On.

CMBC Embracing Family (Yeah)
CMBC Embracing Family.

Life After Divorce... the Play!

One of the functions of a healthy, well balanced church is to speak to the reality of everyday life from a Christ-centered, Biblically based perspective.

Unfortunately, one of the topics that continues to make headlines among Christians and non-Christians alike is the topic of divorce. To that end, Mrs. Tina R. Sykes, leader of the A.C.T.S. Drama Ministry at CMBC, Miss Cassaundra Hillman and the A.C.T.S. Drama team will host a full length play titled: Life After Divorce: Caleb's Apartment.

Life After Divorce: Caleb's Apartment was written by Mr. Cleveland O. McLeish. The A.C.T.S. Drama ministry rendition wlll feature a revised ending by Miss Cassaundra Hillman. The play is directed by Mrs. Tina Sykes.

The dates for the play are Friday, July 23rd, 2010 at 7:30PM; and Saturday, July 24th, at 7:30PM. The location for the play is Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, 931 S. Stapley Drive, Mesa, AZ. 85204. The play is free however donations are appreciated.

I want to encourage all of you, especially married, remarried and divorced couples that can and will to come out one of these two nights and be blessed.

S. J. Fort

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Home Again!

Denver Colorado is a great place. As I shared in my last email, I was blessed and honored to go there and preach at Peaceful Rest Baptist Church. The still relatively new D.I.A. (Denver International Airport); is very nice. I was particularly taken with the umbrella like structures atop the D.I.A. buildings. I asked my host what they were for? He said they were there to deflect the snow. Wow. Having been raised in California and living in Arizona for the past several years I am not familiar with heavy snow fall... unless of course I venture up to northern Arizona- the Flagstaff area in particular.

The worship services at Peaceful Rest were rewarding. They are a vibrant and vivacious people. Once again I'm convinced that our world... "it's a small world after all". While in Denver I met people who knew of Sis. Fort indirectly (via High School classmates); and another person who worked with my brother in one of the churches where he served as pastor in years past.

This idea of "six degrees of separation" is in play.

I was blessed to get to the airport early. Shortly after arriving at the gate an announcement was made that the flight was over-booked. They bagan soliciting people to take advantage of another flight with promises of gifts from the airline.

You know I didn't even consider it. When I'm ready to get home, I'm ready to get home. There really is no place like home!

Thank you Lord for a great weekend.

S J Fort

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Peaceful Rest Baptist Church, Denver Colorado

It's Saturday afternoon, June 10, 2010.

I am blessed and honored to have received an invitation to preach the Ushers Annual Day at Peaceful Rest Baptist Church, Aurora, CO., Rev. Lorenzo Stewart, Pastor. If I remember correctly this invitation came some time last year and the weekend for this ocassion has finally arrived.

The plane touched down in Denver this morning. I was met at the airport by the Rev. Donald K. Crockhom, Assistant Pastor. This brother has been a kind and courteous host. He shared with me that he would be the one to pick me up for Sunday worship service and take me to the airport on Monday morning. I'm grateful for his easy going, down to earth spirit.

After leaving the airport Rev. Crockhom took me to the church so that I could meet the pastor and see the church building. Upon arrival at the church we found the pastor conducting what I perceived to be a regularly scheduled committee or auxiliary meeting with auxiliary and/or ministry chairpersons and leaders.

Following the meeting I was privileged to meet the pastor and a number of the members. They were all gracious.

After leaving the church, Rev. Crockhom took me to get something to eat. I am now in my room at the Red Lion Hotel near downtown Denver. While enroute to our various locations today, Rev. Crockhom was sure to point out several key buildings to me. Including the Pepsi Center, home of the Denver Nuggets; and Invesco Field, home of the Denver Broncos.

All that said, I'm glad to be in the room now. I just spoke with Sis. Fort for the second or third time since being here. Listen, I sent a text to her earlier... yes that's right I sent a text... I know big stuff huh?

I sent the text before calling earlier because Sis. Fort had a client she was providing service to at the time.

Well I've already opened the Bible. Pray for me that The LORD will give me clarity of mind and heart; that I will preach with passion and Holy Spirit power; that people would be saved, healed, strengthened, delivered and set free.

Thank you Pastor Lorenzo Stewart for the opportunity to preach at Peaceful Rest Baptist Church. Thank you Sis. Hampton for all you've done. Thank you Rev. Crockhom for your kindness, gas and time.

Most importantly THANK YOU LORD for Your love, mercy and grace.

Sherman J. Fort

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Recovery From Car Accident

I'm recovering well from my car accident on June 11th, 2010. Many things have happened since that time, including the love, mercy and grace of God raining down on me.

I'm grateful to be here... to be alive. I'm grateful that all that happened to me was breaking my humerus bone in my right shoulder. It could have been so much worse. While the doctors initially said they did not expect there to be a need for surgery. I believe I may have to have some kind of surgical procedure. There is a definite difference between my left and right shoulder's. Moreover, there is suspicious swelling in my right bicep that has yet to subside.

It feels like my shoulder is "out of socket"... if that makes sense. I can see slight differences between my left and right collar bone and the right side of back... just behind my right shoulder.

Please keep me in prayer. I have a doctors appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. I called and had my appointment changed... moved up. If I need surgery I want to have it sooner than later.

S. J. Fort

I'm grateful for the E. K. Bailey International Conference on Expository Preaching

I've just returned (early I might add) from the E. K. Bailey International Expository Preaching Conference in Dallas Texas.

The conference was held at the Fairmont hotel in downtown Dallas. It was well attended and a real blessing to me. The teaching and preaching were wonderful. While I suspect that there was a good deal of consistency with respect to the quality of information shared in each class, I can offer personal testimony from the class I took with Dr. Ralph D West. I believe this is my third time sitting a class taught by Dr. West. Each time, this time especially the class was helpful.

On this ocassion Dr. West taught a class that dealt with planning for "series preaching". Among other things Dr. West shared some insight with respect to his personal sermon/series preaching preparation method. He listed some of the pros and cons with respect to planned preaching. He ended the class by answering questions from the ministers in the class. It was a real blessing.

Dr. West and Dr Joel C. Gregory are two Gospel preachers I am listening to quite a bit right now. Their preaching is encouraging, inspiring and most of all Biblical. I thank our God for these two great preachers.

The E. K. Bailey Conference also afforded me my first opportunity to hear Rev. Craig Oliver, pastor of the Elizabeth Baptist Church in Georgia. Wow! What a preacher. I was blessed by his message. Dr. Duduit opened the conference with the first evening lecture. What a presentation. It was challenging and Christ centered.

I could go on and on about each speaker. I truly enjoyed the conference. I hope to attend again next year. I encouraged the associate ministers at Canaan Missionary Baptist Church where I serve to go. None did this year. Let me encourage all gospel preachers who desire to gather in one place with other Gospel preachers to prayerfully consider attending this conference. It's a great place to hear a number of really good preachers, attend great classes and get involved in good fellowship.

Moreover, your wife can attend as well, as Dr. Sheila Bailey (the widow of Dr. E. K. Bailey) hosts the S.T.A.N.D. Conference at the same time and location as the preaching conference. So brothers whhile you're attending the one piece, your bride can be in attendance at the other piece.

S. J. Fort

Sunday, June 20, 2010

i am grateful








Saturday, April 24, 2010

Reconsider The Invitation!

"Reconsider The Invitation". These words make up the title of a wonderful sermon preached by the legendary Rev., Dr. Fred G. Sampson.

Pastor Sampson preached this sermon many years ago from a passage in the book of the Revelation. In his introduction he told a story about an invitation he'd received to preach somewhere. He went on to say that he'd mistakenly discarded the invitation only to re-discover in the trash bin later. He then re-considered the invitation.

I've just come back from a walk around the hotel where I am staying here in Carson California. The walk was good. The weather is beautiful. I like walking in part because it gives me an opportunity to reflect and reconsider some things.

This afternoon I'm reconsidering the love, mercy and grace of our God toward me. God is so gracious, merciful, loving and kind... and I love Him. The LORD has given me several opportunities to preach His Word to His people. Lately, (as I've said in a previous 'blog'- I'm more convinced than ever before that I (that is all of us Gospel preachers); should not accept every invitation that comes our way.

As preachers and pastors we receive invitations to pray at community and political functions. We receive invitations to serve on boards and committee's. We receive invitations to preach here and there. However, I can't help but wonder just how many of those invitations really come from The LORD. That is to say, how many of the invitations we receive do you suppose really are 'God approved'?

I remember meeting Dr. Mason many years ago in Los Angeles California. I was told that Dr. Mason was known not just as a preacher and pastor, but also as a man of prayer. I was told that often he would meet a young preacher and say to them: "Let me pray for you". He'd then commence to praying at that very moment. That was my experience when I was introduced to him in a hotel lobby by another Pastor. He greeted me, we shook hands, then right there in lthe lobby, in front of the elevators, he bowed his head and prayed for me. Wow. What an experience.

In addition to hearing that Dr. Mason was a man of prayer, I also heard that he wa a man who prayed specifically about invitations he received to preach at various places. I'm told that it was not uncommon for him to respond to an invitation with words that went something like this: "Let me pray about it and I'll get back to you". I'm told he was known on ocassion to follow-up that response with words that went something like this: "I'm flattered, but I have to refuse the invitation. The LORD hasn't given me clearance to come. And if I come I'll be blocking someone else from coming... perhaps the very one The LORD has chosen".

I heard Dr. Mason died just a few short months ago. I hope that his prayer habit hasn't died with him. On a personal note, I'm committed to praying about invitations before I accept them.

All that said, let me say this to you now- If you are not in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ right now. Know that He is standing with His arms wide open inviting you to join Him. If you've considered His invitation before and declined, let me beg you to reconsider His invitation. He loves you.

Pastor Fort

Sky Harbor Airport

I am in the famed Phoenix Internaitonal Airport. It's Saturday, April 24, 2010. I'm on my way to Carson California to preach for the inimitable Dr. Johnny Baylor.

I am personally indebted to this preacher and pastor. It was Dr. Johnny Baylor who organized and led the very first trip to Israel. Needless to say the trip was life changing, sermon altering, awe inspiring and just plain wonderful... that is to say it was "full of wonder".

I've made a decision to not go everywhere I'm invited. The fact is that every preacher of The Gospel should ask The LORD whether or not He wants us to go where it is we've been invited. We should ask The Lord for permission, should we go without His approval we may be blocking another brother The Lord intended to be at that church, convention or event- and in so doing block the very message The LORD wanted that congregation to hear.

That said, I don't know just how I got this invitation to preach for Dr. Baylor? Nevertheless I am grateful to my God and to Dr. Baylor for the opportunity.

Something else that is on my mind as I sit in this Phoenix International Airport are Biblical sermons and The Holy Spirit.

What a name we have for our airpot here in the valley of the sun... Sky Harbor. I don't know who thought of it, but it's a great name. The picture of ships docking at a harbor after coming in from a trip on the ocean. Or of ships raising their anchor preparing to go out into deep water.

As believers in Jesus Christ we too have a Harbor in the heavens. But our harbor is not for ships, it's for "The Old Ship of Zion". Our harbor in heaven is connected to our relationship with our God. Our harbor can be reached through prayer as we commune with The Father and talk to Him about what's going on in our lives. Even though we're here on earth, through the ministry of The Holy Spirit we have a harbor in heaven that we can connect to right now.

Moreover, one day we'll check in permanently to the harbor and spend all of eternity with The LORD.


Pastor Fort

Friday, April 2, 2010


I hope each of you had a good "Good Friday".

What makes Good Friday good is that the following Sunday was Great! This week is commonly referred to as "Passion Week". The word 'passion' here speaks of the 'suffering' of my Savior and LORD, Jesus Christ.

Have you stopped to really consider all that Jesus Christ went through that the world might be saved? Jesus died that He might reconcile the world back to Himself. He died in our place. He died in our stead. He died on our behalf. Jesus Christ is "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".

It's Good Friday evening now. It's after eight o clock PM. My eldest daughter is spending the evening with her Grandmother and Aunt. Her aunt, a gifted cosmetologist is scheduled to "do her hair" prior to her taking pictures that will go into her announcements for her High School graduation. My youngest daughter is with her Mom, attending a Good Friday play at church in town.

I've spent the day, really the week at CMBC. We had our lobby, administrative office, conference room and sanctuary painted this week. That activity along with other regularly scheduled activities have kept me busy in a different way this week.

This morning I left home about six o clock AM. I left the church in the late afternoon. Since coming home I've made it my business to get to "my lesson". To give more time than I have earlier this week to praying over, brooding over, thinking through the sermon I hope to preach this Rsurrection Sunday morning. I'm excited about it.

If you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and LORD, you can know Him right now. First acknowledge that you are a sinner who needs a Savior. Next, believe the Scriptures concerning The LORD Jesus Christ; believe that Jesus Christ is who the Bible claims Him to be. Namely the "only begotten Son of God". Finally, confess your sins to God. Ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior and LORD.

He'll come into your heart today. He'll come in to stay.

Tomorrow is our Annual Church picnic. Our location is the same, Kiwanis Park in Tempe Arizona. I hope we have a good crowd and a great time with one another and getting to know each other outside of the four walls of the church.

Our annual "Bake-Off" and "Barbecue-Off" are on tap. As are competitions in domino's, spades, various board games, basketball, etc. Activities are planned for the children. There's a playground and an indoor wave pool. But more important than food and games is the presence of The Savior. That's really what Resurrection Sunday is all about. It's about the fact that God came near. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins. WOW! Amazing love.

I pray you have a blessed and beautiful Resurrection Sunday weekend. In all you do, do it to the glory and honor of God.

Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort

Friday, March 19, 2010


Resurrection Sunday 2010 is but three Sunday's away.

This is the day, this is the event that sets the Christian faith apart from all others. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hallmark event of the Christian faith. It is because of the literal, real, proven, resurrection of Jesus Christ that we know Jesus Christ IS The only begotten Son of God!

There are many theories that skeptics of Christianity offer on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some say that Jesus "swooned". That is to say He simply blacked out from the beatings and loss of blood that He endured. And that He later was roused back to conciousness, once His body came in contact with the cold stone in the tomb.

Still other skeptics argue that the body of Jesus Christ was stolen by His disciples. They make the argument that somehow this team of disciples, who were most likely weary in faith and worn out physically, somehow over-powered Roman soldiers who were standing guard at the tomb of Jesus Christ, then stole His body and hid it away. These same skeptics go on to say that the disciples of Jesus Christ then went on to make up the story of His resurrection.

Here's what really happened. Jesus Christ was crucified. He died. He was buried. He got up on third day with all power in His hands. He is "the only begotten Son of God". He is who He claimed to be, ... The Holy One of Israel. He is God in the flesh! He is our Savior, LORD, Redeemer and Friend. And because He lives we live.

As Resurrection Sunday approaches let's remember the sacrifice of our Savior. Let's remember His love for us was demonstrated at the cross. Let's remember that God The Father, gave us His only Son that we might live. Let's remember that we have The Holy Spirit as our Godly guarantee ... Jesus promised to "be with us always" ... He is with us in and through the power of The Holy Spirit.

God is better than good. All hail the power of Jesus' name. Let angels prostrate fall, bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him LORD of all!

Sherman J. Fort

Saturday, February 6, 2010


"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"

In this age of political correctness, many believe there is no place for celebrations which are unique to a certain culture or people. I disagree. The Bible in many respects highlight the celebrations of a certain people ... the Jewish people. However, it does so without diminishing or doing away with the importance of all people.

To that end let me say as so many have in days past: "I am unashamedly a Christian and unapologetically black". (I know the P.C. term is African American). That said, February is Black History month in America. At Canaan, we have a tradition of "Celebrating God In Black HIStory" at our church each February. That tradition will stay in tact this year.

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of February 2010. We will take five minutes and highlight various persons in black HIStory each LORD's day. The dance ministry led by the gifted Sis. Krystylle Richardson and Sis. NaJuana Robinson will share in worship on Sunday, February 21, 2010. The drama ministry of CMBC, led by the incomparable Sis. Tina Sykes will share on Sunday, February 28, 2010. And on the last Sunday of the month, February 28th, we will be blessed to have retired Colonel Toliver, a former Tuskegee Airman, who lives in the 'valley of the sun' as our special guest.

I thank our God for all He has done in the life of the negro, the black man, African American's over the years. It's by His love, mercy and grace that we are saved. He has done so much for us, 'we cannot tell it all' ... we'll nevertheless try to tell some of it this month.

Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort


To God be the glory for the things He has done!

Our revival began on Sunday morning and ended on Tuesday night. Rev., Dr. Emil M. Thomas, pastor, Destiny Church, Baltimore, MD. and Rev. Louis B. Jones II, pastor, Pilgrim Baptist Church, Washington, D.C. were our special guest lecturer and evangelist.

The LORD allowed these men to preach The WORD with power and passion. The music ministry of CMBC shared in great ways as well. The Voices In Praise choir sang on Sunday morning, the Male Chorus on Monday night and the gifted Minister Charlotte Hillman provided music on Tuesday night. Each service was also marked by a solo, sung by a wonderful Saint from CMBC.

But as important as all the preaching and singing are the lives that were changed and challenged as The Holy Spirit moved in the hearts of men, women, boys and girls.

I am grateful to The LORD for a wonderful time in revival. I am grateful to the Canaan congregation for their wonderful participation in this years revival. The CMBC family showed up and took part.

Let's all begin praying now not only for revival next year, but also for revival everyday in each of our hearts.

Safe in CHRIST,
Sherman J. Fort

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's Friday night, January 22nd, 2010. We've been experiencing rain and snowfall (yes, I said snowfall) in Arizona pretty much all week long. I should clarify that the snowfall in Arizona takes place in the northern part of our great State. The city of Flagstaff in particular.

The snow and rain we've been receiving is part of a storm that hit my home State of California first and has now moved into the southwest. As a result of all of this rain and snow we've had street closures, flash floods, school closures, highways and interstates shut down, car accidents and the like. But we've also had a refreshing and oh so necessary rush of water drench our State. You will remember that Arizona is located in a desert. I live in a desert place. A place that is not known for it's water, instead we're known for our intense, dry heat. 100+ degree days. But now, in the month of January, the first month of the year our LORD has given us water. He has drenched us with dew. He has saturated and soaked us with water. And we really, really need it in this desert place.

As I think about the rain we've been blessed with, I can't help but also think about the revival that is coming to our church in just a few short days... LORD willing. Like the land that I live in, this desert place- many people who live here are also dry. That is to say many of us are dry spiritually. We're 'parched' if you please. We're in need of some rain. But I don't mean water rain. I mean a righteous rain from heaven. Not droplets from clouds, no, I'm talking about the dew that comes down from The Divine God. We need a revival.

But hold it. Not only are some people in Arizona dry and in need of revival, look around our nation and our world. People all over the globe share our need. The economy is crazy. World leaders are fighting. People around the world are starving. Many folks are out of work. And on and on it goes. We need a revival.

I'm looking forward to Sunday, January 31st when our revival kicks off in earnest. We have two great preachers in our guest lecturer, Rev., Dr. Emil M. Thomas, pastor of Destiny Church in Baltimore, Maryland; and our guest evangelist, Rev. Louis B. Jones II, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. I have no doubt that our God is able to speak to us in clear ways through these "men of God". I've heard The LORD speak through them before. Dr. Thomas is a longtime, favorite preacher and evangelist at CMBC. Rev. Jones has also preached at CMBC before, albeit the last time was some time ago, he nevertheless blessed us in great ways.

That said, in revival as in every case, it's not so much about who's preaching. It's really all about The LORD speaking through the preacher and delivering His message to His people. As we fast and pray this month, we're also fasting and praying about our revival. Even if you're not a member of CMBC will you join us in asking The LORD to do whatever He wants to do during our revival time? Pray that God's will is done. Pray that people are saved, healed, strengthened, delivered and set free.

Well, it's getting late and I've got a counseling appointment and two meetings tomorro... if The LORD blesses me to live. If you don't remember anything else, remember this real revival starts with God. Just like rain comes down from heaven, real revival starts with The GOD who is in heaven. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

What do rain and revival have in common? God.

Begin your revival now. Spend time with The LORD. He's waiting to spend time with you.

Pastor Fort


During the month of January 2010, I have asked our church to fast and pray. Specifically seeking our LORD on behalf of our biological families, church family, our Christian family around the world and our human family of every race, creed and color. More specifically, I've asked our church to pray for the Spiritual and physical health and healing of the same.

But that's not all. During this same month of January I have set apart each Tuesday night for a special time in "Mid-Week" worship. Tuesday is our normal night for Bible study at CMBC. But instead, we've been spending each Tuesday night in worship. From 7:00PM until 8:10PM we've been in worship together.

During this mid-week worship time some of our very own Associate Ministers have been preaching The WORD of God. And may I say, I've been encouraged and helped by their preaching. Not only has our God blessed me to pastor a church with some good people, I've also been blessed to pastor a church with some really good Gospel preachers. So far this month, we've heard from Pastor Eddie Reese (a retired pastor and transplant to the 'valley of the sun' from the great state of Alabama); Min. Otis Williams, Min. Raymond Berry, Min. Marcus Blunt, Min. Kimberly Collison and Min. Kevin Swindle. They didn't just preach sermons at random either. I asked some of them to preach on a specific word in our motto, or on one portion of our ministry theme for 2010 and beyond. The LORD has blessed us with some terrific Tuesday's as they've declared The Word of God... from The Bible. Thank you preachers.

Not only has The LORD blessed us with great preaching on Tuesday nights, He has also blessed us with wonderful preaching on Sunday morning's. On the second Sunday of this month, I was blessed to preach out of state. In my place, that Sunday my friend and brother, Rev. Milton Pleasant, pastor of the Abundant Life Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona preached The Gospel of Jesus Christ at our early service. And what a job The LORD blessed him to do. The saints at CMBC are still talking about the message he shared. Min. Raymond Cook, an associate minister at CMBC preached the late service at CMBC. Once again, I heard nothing but great things about that sermon as well.

Then, on the third Sunday of this month, the one and only Rev., D. Previn Carr, pastor and founder of Ekklesia Christian church in Phoenix, Arizona preached both services at CMBC. My, my, my, ... and preach he did. Pastor Carr walked through his selected preaching passages with with what seemed to be "ease"; after arresting our attention in his introduction with practical and pointed application. I was there on this Sunday and was blessed to see people come forward during the invitation at both services.

To God be the glory for the things He has done, is doing and shall yet perform. Thank you gospel preachers for preaching The Word of God.

Thank you Canaan family for being a church that appreciates the preaching of God's Word.

Most of all, THANK YOU JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH... for being my Savior, LORD, God and friend.

Pastor Fort

Monday, January 4, 2010


"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in good health, even as thy soul prospers". These words from the Apostle John, found in 3rd John, verse two have a lot to say to us.

Essentially the Apostle John shares that it is God's desire that we would "journey well"- that is, that we would "prosper". Moreover, John teaches us that the prosperity he's speaking about is spiritual at its base. Too much of the time we hear people speak about prosperity in material terms. Wrapping the idea around things like cars, cash, creature comforts, cribs and other "things" of this world. However, in this passage we learn that true prosperity is directly related to our journey with The LORD GOD.

That said, the CMBC family is still on a journey this month. A journey of fasting and prayer. I've been blogging a bit about my personal diet this month. So let me update you all a bit. Still no meat for me this month. On Saturday and Sunday, January 2nd and 3rd, I continued eating brown rice, broccoli and lentils as my primary food. I also snacked on popcorn. My only drink has been water. Today however I changed up my diet a bit. I had fruit this morning, an apple and orange to be precise, some vegetarian chips, and later some vegetarian pizza today. Again my only drink has been water.

In addition to eating watching my diet in terms of food, I'm also watching my diet in terms of prayer. I'm continuing to pray for the CMBC family at large, and the specific matters I've asked us all to pray for with respect to our God-given goals and vision for 2010 and beyond.

We had great attendance at church again yesterday. Indeed our God is better than good. We had people come forward to join the church at both the 7:50AM and 10:20AM worship services. We really need to move to another location or build another facility where we are. For those of you reading this who are not members of CMBC, but are Christians- let me solicit your prayers to The LORD JESUS CHRIST on our behalf as well. Ask The LORD to lead us in the way He wants us to go.

Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Yesterday, in keeping with our church-wide period of fasting and prayer at CMBC I ate no meat. Today, I have the same to report. It's just after 3:00PM. This morning I had another green apple. After returning from an appointment at the church I had a bowl of broccoli. I just finished eating brown rice and beans with yellow onion mixed in. I expect to eat again a little later today.

I also spent time today praying for my CMBC family. Praying for my biological family, my Christian family and praying for my human family. I'm praying that pastor and people of CMBC will catch the vision of "One Voice, One Vision, One Victory" that is our ministry theme for 2010 and beyond. I'm praying for the literal, physical healing of those who are sick and seeking The LORD for a miracle in their body. I'm praying in all things that GOD's will is done.

Pastor Fort

Friday, January 1, 2010


TODAY is the first day of 2010. I'm not making any "new year resolutions" this year. I am however re-committing to "fighting the good fight of faith"... today, then tomorrow, then the day after that and the day after that, etc.

Today is also the first day of a 31 day period of fasting and prayer for the Canaan Missionary Baptist Church. We're fasting and praying for Spiritual and physical health. We're asking every member of our church family that can and will to commit to no less than thirty minutes of prayer a day with a certain focus. Our prayer time will focus on our commitment to our new ministry theme for 2010 and beyond.

The theme is: "One Voice, One Vision, One Victory". By One Voice, I mean our hearing God's voice; by One Vision, I mean our heeding God's vision; by One Victory, I mean our commitment to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ. In addition to praying and asking The LORD to help us embrace His voice, vision and victory, we are also praying that we will become more "simple and dynamic" in 2010 and beyond. We're embracing this idea of "Simple Church". It's an attempt to not complicate what The LORD has not complicated. To keep our Christian lives and the way we "do" church simple and dynamic.

I've also asked our church family to pray for "families". There are so many children, youth, single adults, couples... families in trouble. It's interesting to note that we have ministries specifically designed for children, youth, single's, couples, senior adults, etc., but we don't have a ministry specifically designed for families. We want to change that in 2010 and beyond. Moreover, we hope to make the family the primary place for discipleship. More on that later.

In my attempt to keep this morning's blog short, let me say that it is my goal to blog about my journey with respect to my diet during these 31 days of January 2010 as our church comes together to fast and pray. I have asked those CMBC family members who can to eat a diet consisting of water, fruit, vegetables and fish. I've asked those who can't commit to that diet due to dietary or medical reasons, to please remove red meat and pork from their diets for the month of January 2010.

During the month of January 2010 we're also praying that The LORD will move in great ways during our church revival. Our revival begins as our period of fasting and prayer ends. That is to say, the last day of our fast and prayer time is Sunday, January 31, 2010. Sunday, January 31, 2010 is also the first day of our church revival.

Now then, whether you're a member of our church family or not, you're welcome to join us as we fast and pray for Spiritual and physical health in the month of January. And to those of us who may eat or drink the wrong thing one day, as you hustle and flow throughout your day- don't quit the fast and prayer time... Just start over. Hang in there. Let's see what The LORD will do in and through us.

Today's morning. So far this morning I've had a green apple and an orange. I'm in the process of cooking some black eyed peas right now. I intend to make some brown rice, and add some vegetables to that and eat it later. I hope to go walking soon. There's a group of people from our church who are scheduled to meet at the home of Bro. Daniel and Sis. Deborah Carter and go on a hike. I don't know that I'll make the hike, but I look forward to walking today nonetheless.

May our GOD continue to bless and keep each of you is my prayer.

Safe in CHRIST,
Pastor Fort, Servant of JESUS CHRIST